Page:The sexual life of savages in north-western Melanesia.djvu/28

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  1. A Chief's Wife and Her Annual Dowry
  2. Decorated Corpse
  3. Body After First Exhumation
  4. Widow in Full Mourning
  5. Widow in Half Mourning
  6. A Decorated Jawbone
  7. Tomwaya Lakwabulo THE SeER
  8. Albino
  9. An Unmarried Mother
  10. Two Brothers
  11. Father and Son
  12. The Pregnancy Cloak
  13. First Charming of the Pregnancy Robes
  14. Cutting the White Lily Leaves
  15. The Way into the Water
  16. The Ritual Bathing
  17. Second Charming of the Pregnancy Cloaks
  18. Guarded from Contact with Earth
  19. Return to the Father's House
  20. Vigil on the Platform
  21. A Mother and Her First-born
  22. Children in a Round Game
  23. A Figure Game
  24. Rats
  25. The Fishing of Kuboya
  26. Typical Scenery of Hide and Seek
  27. A Harvest Scene
  28. A Ceremonial Dancing Demonstration
  29. The Ulatile of Kwaybwaga
  30. Ulatile on the Lagoon
  31. Girls Decorated for Katuyausi or Harvest Visit
  32. Katuyausi Party
  33. The Beach of the Lagoon
  34. Bagido'u
  35. Kaydebu Dance
  36. A Melanesian Beauty
  37. A Type Not Admired by the Natives
  38. Ethnographer with a Man in a Wig