Page:The spiritual venality of Rome.djvu/129

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Pro pietbitero seeulari g. z. Two derico vellaico. •••••• •••••••••••••• g. zi«  Abflo. pro eo qui est excommiuiicatiui et gravatus paupertate : ita quod non po- test suiB creditoribiu satisfiEUsere g. vii Abso. pro presbitero qui ligattu quadam sententia special! divina celebrat officia. Nec est ciua si sit absolutiis Yel non g. m. Absolutio pro monacho qui sine licentia monasterium sunm ezivit grossi vii. viii. vel. ix. Nota quod quando aliqua litera petitur re- datari solvitur tertia pars tazationis iUi qui datat. Nota quod quando litera est dedaratoria et auditor super ixregulari* tate kc. ipse signat. Hat de speciali quo ad ratum. &c. Si est ita. Quan- docunque ponilpr ista conjunctio et tunc taxa duplicatur. ' Finis. The Pasrisian edition of 1520 agrees so closely with the copy aboye given, that, except the trifling variations of ab&olutio vanoasly printed at length or contoactedly, (which ecm* stitutes the greatest number of the variations ;) differences in punctuation ; the insertion, omis- sion, or substitution of a small indifferent