Page:The spiritual venality of Rome.djvu/130

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word; and the varying use of capitals — ^no greater, or more important variations besides exists than the following : — at the end of the title ineipiunt is omitted ; immediately after is inserted as the head^ Quinqmnniales et per- petue dispensationes ; under the third head, jungatiir for ponatur ; under the fourth in the head itself^ AbsoltUio is prefixed; as likewise under the sixth ; and there are two instances of two words transposed^ without any difference in the sense. This description, which is perfectly accu- rate, was thought preferable to a minute exhi- bition of the variae lectiones. I may add, that the present copy of the Taxe, as being care* fully collated afresh^ is^ in some trifling respects, more conformable with the original than that which appears in my Life of Pius V. particu- larly as regards the punctuation, and, I think, the peculiar orthography of Presbiter with an i, and that alone. Where the contractions are retained, the original is strictly followed. The different headings, or titles, though in the Go- thic letter, like all the rest, in the original, have been put in the Italic, for the greater dis^* tinctness, in th^ present reprint