Page:The spiritual venality of Rome.djvu/131

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POSTSCRIPT. To the Document which fonus the concluding, and most important, portion of the present work, t should have felt disposed to add another, of about equal extent and kindred character, the (Meus Be- sermti, distinguished into Papaies, Epkeopahs^ and jibhatiales, had I not inserted them from two anttent copies without dftte la mj Memoin of the Council of Trent, pp. 327-^332. Ui. riiillpotis, now Bishop of Exeter, in his Letters to Charles Butler, Esq. pp. 439, and following, has justly ex- posed the shulfling Jesuitism of Dr. Doyle, whea examined before the Parliamentary CoQimissioners in 1825,* by which he endeavoured to impress, either the non-existence, or his own ignorance, of Reserved Cases in his church, and of the occasional practice of granting faculties of absolution to those, to whom they did not belong by the laws of that church. Such an admission would have led to fbr* ther inconvenient inquiries. The exist^ce, liow-=

  • March la, p. 196.