Page:The spiritual venality of Rome.djvu/50

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are not numbered^ though the divisions are cer* tainly mare than fom. Copies of the same date^ however, sometimes a,ij, as is the case of the very first knawn edition. Regale Leoois X. were published in 1515. XVI. Tazae Cane. Apost. &c« Colonias^ apud Gosuinum Colinium, 1515. Taxe de la Chancel. jRom. A Kome (Paris) 1744. XVn. TaxsB Cane. Apost. Romse 1516, 8. Panzer. Catal. Pinell. I. p. 19L And here the JRtmuin editions of this nefa- rious publication, with the exception, perhaps, of one, which shall be noticed, appear to dose. The advance of the Reformation in Germany, the SQccessicm of Adrian VI. to the pontificate, in 1521, and, above all, the Gravamina Cen- tum Nat. Germ, exhibited at the Diet of Nu- remberg in 1522, and transmitted to the Pope, to which, likewise, a Est of the Annate and these Taxes was appended, produced an absti- nence, or caution at least, which neither shame nor principle could ever do before. The Regule published by Adrian, appear to be unaccompa- nied by the Taxae, whether of the Chancery or of the Penitentiary; unless we should admit one, which Marchand represents as printed at Rome per Steph. Guileretum, 1523, in 4, and