Page:The spiritual venality of Rome.djvu/51

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for which he refers to Cat. Bibl. Card. Imp. p» 99. Panxer^ however^ no where mentions it. It would have been desirable to know in what part of the year it was published, if genuine, as Clemens VII. ascended the papal chair in No* vember of that year. We now change our groond ; and afiter a considerable number of the Keguias, printed at Ptois, we arrive, in the year 1520, at the un- doubted and justly celebrated edition of the Taxtt of both classes, by Toussains Denis, in Paris. XVIII. The title page is headed by the arms of the Medici, Leo X. being then Pope, and those <tf France. Then follows the title— Taxe Cacellarie apostolice et taxe sacrc peni- tetiarie itide* apUce. Under a figure of St. Denis, between two angels, holding his own head,* is the editor's name, Toussains Denis.

  • Hie spolUe of France, St. Dionjaius, or Den js, to whose

mtmoxj a serrice on the 9th of October ii celebrated, is, in the ▼tiiciiNis authentic of the Soman church, the Breviaiy and the Atnea Lesenda» poiitiTelj asserted to have been Dionjdui the Aieopagite, cotemporary of the apostles. Critics however, «ren of the aeme ehiuch, have found it neceasazy to place the Galilean apOiHe near two centuries later ; and although the Bieviary represents him as having lived more than a himdred jreaiB, it was too gieat a itietch to extend his age to near three hundred. The more manageable, therefine^ of the devotees of Borne have tUmiljf though lalnctantlj, conmtcd to igan