Page:The story of Greece told to boys and girls.djvu/411

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Achæans, the, 73.

Achilles, and Briseis the Fair-cheeked, 32;
  fatal quarrel with Agamemnon, 34;
  the horses of, 44; Hector slain by, 48 et seq.;
  death of, 52.

Acrisius, king of Argos, 18;
  killed by Perseus, 29.

Acropolis at Athens, the, 97.

Admetus, king, 186.

Ægis of Athens, the, 23, 30.

Ægospotami, disaster at, 261.

Æolians, the, 73.

Æschines, lawsuit against Demosthenes, 349.

Æschylus, 172, 200.

Agamemnon, king, 33, 34.

Agesilaus, king of Sparta, 278, 279.

Alcibiades, 232-236;
  friendship with Socrates, 236, 238, 240, 243;
  expedition to conquer Sicily, 244-248;
  flight to Sparta, 247-248;
  betrayal of Athenians to the Spartans, 248;
  return to Athens, 255;
  Antiochus' disobedience, 258;
  death of, 263.

Alexander the Great, at battle of Chæronea, 307;
  and his horse Bucephalus, 309;
  conquests in Greece, 312 et seq.;
  and Diogenes, 312;
  conquest of Persia, 314, 315 et seq.;
  cutting of the Gordian knot, 318;
  illness of, 319;
  defeat of Darius at Issus, 322;
  treatment of Darius and his wife and family, 323, 327;
  siege of Tyre by, 325;
  defeat of Darius at Gaugamela, 328;
  burning of Persepolis by, 331;
  pursuit of Darius, 334;
  treatment of Philotas, 335;
  slays his foster-brother, 336;
  conquests in India, 338;
  victory over King Porus, 338;
  wounded at siege of the citadel of Malli, 342;
  east and west united by, 345;
  death of, 345.

Alexander, king of Thessaly, Pelopidas' expedition against, 282.

Amphictyonic Council, the, 94.

Amphipolis, surrender of, 228.

Andromache and Hector, 41, 50, 51, 52.

Andromeda and the sea-monster, 26

Antinous, 67.

Antiochus, 258.

Antipater, 350.

Aphrodite, 4, 40.

Apollo, 4, 11, 35, 46, 76, 79, 95;
  and Hyacinthus, 16.

Arachne, story of, 13.

Archias, 273, 274, 275;
  and Demosthenes, 350.

Archidamus, invasion of Attica by, 205;
  siege of Platæa under, 210-213.

Arginusæ, battle of, 259.

Argos, war with Sparta, 232.

Argus, the hound, 64.

Aristagoras, 122, 123, 124, 126.

Aristides, 138, 140-144, 148, 168, 170, 179, 180, 185, 188.

Aristodemus, 89.

Aristogiton, 113.

Aristomenes and the fox, 91.

Aristophanes, 200, 234.

Aristotle, 311.

Artaphernes, 122, 123, 127, 129, 130.

Artaxerxes, 186, 193;
  march of Cyrus against, 265;
  Spartan expedition against, 269.

Artemisium, battle of, 161.

Athene, 4, 11, 12, 13, 22, 23, 30, 36, 41, 62, 65, 97, 196, 198.

Athenian Empire, foundation of, 178.

Athenians, the, taking of Salamis by, 106;
  alliance with Ionians against Darius, 127;
  defeat of Persian army at Marathon, 134;
  victory in bay of Pylos over the Spartans, 220;
  surrender of Spartans at Sphacteria to, 221;
  invasion of Bœotia by, 225;
  defeat at Syracuse, 249, 252-254;
  defeat by Spartans under Lysander, 259.

Athens, city of, 12, 196-199;
  war with Dorians, 97;
  oligarchic government of, 98;
  three parties of, 100;
  Persian attack on, 137;
  sea-power of, 140, 184, 194;
  war with Sparta, 195;
  great men of, 201;
  jealousy of Sparta causing