Page:The story of Greece told to boys and girls.djvu/412

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  Peloponnesian war, 202 et seq.;
  revolt of Mytilene against, 214;
  second Peloponnesian war, 233;
  surrender to the Spartans, 261-263.

Atlas, 26.

Attica, Spartan invasion of, 205.

Babylon, taken by Alexander the Great, 331.

Bessus, 334, 335.

Bœotia, invasion of, 225.

Bœotian League, the, 203.

Bow of Odysseus, the, 67.

Brasidas the Spartan, 219, 225, 226-231.

Bridge of Boats, Darius', 118.

Briseis the Fair-cheeked, 32.

Bucephalus, 309, 329, 340.

Callistratus, 301.

Carthaginians, the, expedition against Syracuse, 286, 288, 289;
  defeated by Timoleon at Crimisus, 296.

Cassiopeia, 27.

Cecrops, 11.

Chæronea, battle of, 307.

Charilaus, 77, 80.

Charon, 273, 274, 275, 276.

Cimon, 179, 189-193.

Clearchus, 264, 265, 267.

Cleisthenes, 114, 115-116.

Cleombrotus, 279, 280.

Cleomenes and Aristagoras, 126.

Cleon, 208, 215, 216, 221, 222-224, 228-231.

Clitus, 336.

Codrus, the last king of Athens, 97.

Conon, 259, 262.

Conspiracy of the Seven Thebans, 273.

Corinth, the two brothers of, 286.

Crimisus, battle of, 296.

Crœsus, king of Lydia, 103, 104, 105.

Cyclopes, the, 56.

Cylon, 100.

Cynoscephalæ, battle of, 284.

Cyrus, king of Persia, and Croesus, 105.

—— march against king Artaxerxes, 264-268.

Damocles, 314.

Danaë, story of, 18.

Darius, king of Persia, war against Greece, 118;
  Histiæus rewarded by, 121;
  Ionian rebellion against, 124;
  expedition against Athens, 131;
  defeat at Marathon, 134;
  death of, 139.

—— king of Persia, wars with Alexander the Great, 315, 319;
  defeat near the

  pass of Issus, 321;
  defeat at battle of Gaugamela, 328;
  retreat and death, 334.

Delian League, the, 178.

Delium, defeat of Athenians at, 226.

Demeter, story of, 4, 6.

Demosthenes, 218, 219, 222, 223, 250. 251, 252-254, 307, 308, 311, 313, 349.

Diodotus, 216.

Diogenes, 312.

Dionysius of Syracuse, 286, 289.

Dorians, the, 73, 76.

Draco, code of laws of, 101.

Dryads, the, 1.

Elpinice and Pericles, 195.

Epaminondas, 93, 269, 271-272, 277, 280-285, 306.

Ephialtes the treacherous Greek, 157, 159.

Ephialtes the statesman, 190, 191.

Epirus, 72.

Epitades, 219, 221, 223.

Erechtheum, the, 197.

Eros, 4.

Eucles, 228.

Eumæus the swineherd, 64, 66, 67.

Euripides, 200, 201, 235.

Europa, 15.

Eurybiades, 153, 161, 166, 167.

Eurymedon, 218, 219, 220, 221, 250, 251.

Gaugamela, battle of, 328.

Gordian knot, the, 318.

Gorgo, 127, 160.

Gorgons, the, 22.

Grææ, the, 23.

Granicus, battle of, 315.

Greece, 72.

Gylippus, 248, 249, 250, 252, 254.

Harmodius, 113.

Hecate, 8.

Hector, 39, 41, 46, 48, 51, 52.

Hecuba, 41, 50, 51.

Helen of Troy, 33, 53.

Hellespont, the scourging of the, 148.

Helots, the, 85, 190.

Hephæstion, 342, 345, 347.

Hephæstis, 11.

Hera, 3.

Hermes, 4, 23, 245.

Herodotus, 201.

Hipparchus, 113.

Hippias, 113, 132.

Histiæus, 120, 121, 123, 129.

Homer, 32, 78.

Hyacinthus, story of, 16.