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Actium, battle of, 418.

Æmilius, 200.

—— Gauls defeated by, 169, 170.

Æneas, story of, 1, 2.

Æquians, the, 73, 86.

Albans, the, war with Rome, 28, 31.

Allia, battle of, 97.

Ambrones, the, 197, 299.

Amulius, King, 4, 5, 7, 8, 10.

Ancus Marcius, 32, 33.

Anio, battle of the, 111.

Antiochus, King of Syria, 238.

Appian Way, the, 130.

Appius Claudius, 78, 130, 149.

Ariovistus, 364, 366, 367.

Aristion, the orator, 325.

Ascanius, 1, 3.

Augustus, Emperor, 425. See also Octavius Cæsar.

Aulus Postumius, invocation of Castor and Pollux, 63.

Bocchus, King, 284, 287, 290, 291.

Books of the Sibyl, story of, 46.

Brennus, King of the Gauls, 97, 103, 104.

Brutus, and the Delphian oracle, 48, 49.

—— avenger of Lucretia's wrong, 50.

—— treachery of his sons, 52.

Brutus, Decimus, 394.

—— assassination of Cæsar, 399.

—— death at Philippi, 408, 411.

—— Second Triumvirate allied against, 406.

Camillus, at battle of the Anio, 111.

—— capture of Veii by, 88.

—— destruction of Volscians' camp by, 109.

—— recalled to Rome, 101.

—— war with Falerians, 94.

—— war with the Gauls, 97, 112-115.

Cannæ, battle of, 200.

Capitol, founding of the, 36.

Carthage, siege of, 246-257.

Carthaginian wars, 155-231.

Cassius, death of, 410.

—— plot against Julius Cæsar, 394.

Castor and Pollux, invoked by Aulus, 63.

Catilinarian conspiracy, the, 350-355.

Cato, 243, 251.

—— death of, 387.

Catulus, campaign against the Cimbri, 303.

—— death of, 323.

Caudine Forks, disgrace of Romans at, 124.

Celeres, the, 22, 25.

Censors, the, 341.

Cicero, 350, 358, 362, 406.

Cimbri, conquest of the, 303.

Cincinnatus, defeat of Æquians by, 74, 86.

Cinna, war with Octavius, 320.

Claudius Nero, defeat of Hasdrubal by, 208, 213.

Cleopatra, 386.

—— and Mark Antony, 413 et seq.

—— at battle of Actium, 418.

—— death of, 421.

Cloelia, story of, 60.

Cloelius, Æquian chief, 73.

Collatinus, 49, 52.

Consuls, the, 52, 84.

Coriolanus, story of, 68.

Cornelia, mother of the Gracchi, 258, 260, 270, 271, 277.

Crassus, 332, 341.

—— defeat of the gladiators by, 338.

—— member of First Triumvirate, 361.

—— Pompey's rivalry with, 350.

Curiatii, feud with Horatii, 29.

Curtian Lake, the, legend of, 116.

Cynoscephalæ, battle of, 233.

Decemvirs, the, 77, 85.

Decius Mus, 121-123.

Dentatus, 139.

Drusus, colonial policy of, 272.

Ecnomus, battle of, 159.