Page:The story of Rome, from the earliest times to the death of Augustus, told to boys and girls (IA storyofromefrome00macg).pdf/486

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Epirots, the, war with Romans, 141.

Etruscan wars, the, 31.

Fabius, the delayer, and Minucius, 197-199.

—— campaign against Hannibal, 192.

—— defeat of the Samnites, 131-134.

—— his son, defeat of, 130.

Falerians, war with, 94.

Faustulus, 6.

Flaminius, war with Philip of Macedon, 233.

Fleet, the Roman, 155.

Forum, the, 37, 45.

Gabii, siege of, 43.

Gaius Gracchus, 264, 268, 269, 270-277.

—— Mucius. story of, 60.

Gauls, the, conquest of, 168.

—— sack of Rome by, 97, 99, 113, 117.

Geese, the Sacred, 99.

Gladiators' revolt, the, 337.

Glaucia, land reforms of, 307.

Gnæus, 388, 390.

Gracchi, the, 258.

Hamilcar, 158, 159.

—— Barca, 172.

Hannibal, story of, 172-242.

—— death of, 238.

—— departure from Italy, 226.

—— invasion of Italy by, 176.

Hasdrubal, 207, 208, 224, 225,

Heraclea, battle of, 145.

Horatii, the, feud with the Curiatii, 29.

Horatius, story of, 57.

Jugurtha, King of Numidia, story of, 278.

Julius Cæsar, 343, 354.

—— appointed ruler of Gaul, 361, 369.

—— assassination of, 396.

—— captured by pirates, 356.

—— conquest of Helvetians and Ligurini, 263.

—— conquest of the Nervii, 367.

—— crossing of the Rubicon, 374.

—— honoured in Rome, 389.

—— in Egypt, 385, 386.

—— invasion of Britain, 370.

—— member of First Triumvirate, 361.

—— nobles' plot against, 392.

—— rivalry with Pompey, 350, 375 et seq.

—— Tenth Legion of, 363.

Juno, the statue of, 92.

Lars Porsenna, siege of Rome by, 56, 60.

Latins, the, 2, 33.

Lavinium, 2, 3.

Licinian laws, the, 107.

Lictors, the, 52.

Livius, defeat of Hasdrubal by, 208, 213.

Lucius Furius, 111.

Lucretia, the Roman matron, 50.

Lucumo and the eagle, 35.

Macedonian Wars, the, 233.

Mælius, friend of the people, 85.

Manipulares, the, 9.

Manlius, Father of the Commons, 102, 106.

Marius, Gaius, 280, 281.

—— alliance with Cinna against Octavius, 320.

—— and the Cimbrian ambassadors, 303.

—— conquest of Teutones by, 297.

—— defeat of King Jugurtha by, 283-296.

—— flight of, 315.

—— jealousy of Sulla, 311.

—— return to Rome, 320.

—— rivalry with Metellus, 307.

Mark Antony, 376, 379, 381, 393, 399.

—— his Acta, 416.

—— and Cleopatra, 413 et seq.

—— claim to Cisalpine Gaul, 405.

—— death of, 421.

—— funeral oration for Cæsar, 402.

—— member of Second Triumvirate, 406.

—— war against Brutus, 408.

Masinissa, 219, 223, 224, 225.

—— in Carthage, 244.

Metellus, 307.

Mettius, 29, 31.

Minucius, 73, 75, 85, 192, 194, 197, 198, 203.

Mithridates, King, 312, 325.

—— defeated by Sulla, 329.

—— Pompey's war against, 345.

Mucius, Gaius, 60.

Nervii, the, conquest by Julius Cæsar, 367.

Numa Pompilius, 24.

Numitor, King, 4, 7, 8, 9.

Octavius, and his friend, Tiberius, 261 et seq.

Octavius Cæsar, 394.

—— Emperor of Rome, 425.

—— measures for welfare of Rome, 416.

—— member of Second Triumvirate, 406.

—— war against Antony and Cleopatra, 405, 418.