Page:The white czar; a story of a polar bear (IA whiteczarstoryof00hawk).pdf/65

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strangely as he encountered a mighty polar bear who was standing on his hindlegs, his fore paws resting upon the body of a dead musk ox. The bear, much incensed that his meal had been so unceremoniously interrupted, greeted Eiseeyou with an angry snarl.

It would have been the better part of valor on Eiseeyou's part to have retreated a little before opening fire on the monster. Then if his shots were not effective, he might at least get in some more or run for it. But Eiseeyou was so paralyzed with fright that his usually keen wits forsook him.

He obeyed the hunter's first instinct and that was to shoot.

Quick as a flash he raised his rifle to his shoulder and fired.

But his hands were cold, and his gloves were bungling, and the bullet which had been intended for the great bear's brain glanced off his skull merely stunning him for an instant. Seeing that his first shot had not killed the monster, Eiseeyou fired again—this time at the heart and broke a shoulder instead.