Page:The white czar; a story of a polar bear (IA whiteczarstoryof00hawk).pdf/66

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By this time Bruin probably thought it was his turn, and with a blow quicker than lightning he struck the rifle from Eiseeyou's hand with his still undisabled arm and at the same time caught the intrepid hunter to his shaggy breast.

Eiseeyou had just presence of mind enough left as the bear seized him to draw his hunting knife and sink it deep into the bear's sides. Luckily for him it found the heart.

But one of these mighty bears will put forth great exertions even after being shot through the heart.

Tighter and tighter the mighty arm gripped him while Eiseeyou struggled with all his might to free himself. If the bear had possessed both arms, he could have crushed the hunter in a very few seconds.

But even as it was Eiseeyou felt his ribs cracking. His eyes fairly bulged from his head. His breath was entirely squeezed out of him and with a snap like the report of a pistol, his right arm with which he was holding his own body away from that of the bear snapped.