Page:The works of Anne Bradstreet in prose and verse.djvu/346

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260 Anne Bradjl reefs Works.

Ephcjiion having chief command of th' Fleet/'

At Gaza now muft Alexander meet.

Darius finding troubles ftill increafe, \j-Z'i\

By his Ambafladors now fues for peace,

And layes before great Alexanders eyes

The dangers difficultyes like to rife,

Firft at Euphrates what he's like to 'bide,

And then at Tygris and Araxis fide,

Thefe he may fcape, and if he fo defire,

A league of friendfhip make firm and entire.

His eldeft daughter he ' in manage profers,^

And a moft princely dowry with her offers.^

All thofe rich Kingdomes large that do abide

Betwixt the Hellefpont and Halys fide.

But he with fcorn his courtefie reje6ls.

And the diflrefiTed King no whit^ refpefts,

Tells him, thefe proffers great, in truth were none

For all he offers now was but his own.

But quoth Parmenio that brave Commander,

Was I as great, as is great A lexander,

Darhis offers I would not reje6t,

But th' kingdomes and the Lad}^ '" foon accept.

To which proud" Alexajider made " reply,

And fo if I Parjnenio was, would I.

He now to Gaza goes, and there doth meet,

His Favorite Ephejlioji with his Fleet,

h And therefore gives this Lord-fhip to another. Epejlion now, hath the command o' th' Fleet,

i (him). y ofters. h proffers. I way.

"' Ladies. « brave. o did.

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