Page:The works of Anne Bradstreet in prose and verse.djvu/445

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/;; Honour of .^iieeii Elizabeih. 359

Nor fay I more then duly is her due,

Millions will teftifie that this is true.

She hath wip'd oft' th' afperlion of her Sex,

That women wifdorae lack to play the Rex:

Spains Monarch, fayes not fo, nor yet his hoft:

She taught them better manners, to their coft.

The Salique law, in force now had not been,

If Fra7ice had ever hop'd for fuch a Qtieen.

But can you Doctors now this point difpute.

She's Argument enough to make you mute.

Since firft the fun did run his nere run race.

And earth had once ' a year, a new old face,

Since time was time, and man unmanly man.

Come fhew me fuch a Phcenix if you can /

Was ever people better rul'd then hers ?

Was ever land more happy freed from ftirrs ?

Did ever wealth in England vnox^-^ ^howw^}

Her vi6loryes in forreign Coafts refound.

Ships more invincible then Spains, her foe

She wrackt, Ihe fackt, fhe funk his Armado:

Her ftately troops advanced to Lisbons wall [212]

Don Anthony in's right there to inftall.

She frankly helpt, Franks brave diftrefTed King,

The States united now her fame do fing.

She their Prote6trix was, they well do know

Unto our dread Virago, what they owe.

Her Nobles facrific'd their noble blood.

Nor men nor Coyn fhe fpar'd to do them good.

<• twice. / io.

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