Page:The works of Anne Bradstreet in prose and verse.djvu/446

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360 Anne Bradji reefs Woi'ks.

The rude untamed IrifJi^ fhe did quel,

Before her picture the proud Tyrone fell.^

Had ever prince fuch Cou'nfellours as flie ?

Her felf Minerva caus'd them lb to be.

Such Captains and fuch fouldiers never feen,

As were the Subjects of our Pallas Qiieen.

Her Sea-men through all llraights the world did round ;

Terra incognita might know the ^' found.

Her Drake came laden home with Spanifh gold:

Her Effex took Cades, their Herculean Hold :

But time would fail me, fo my tongue' would to,

To tell of half fhe did, or fhe could doe.

Semiramis to her, is but obfcure,

More infamy then fame, fhe did procure.

She built^ her glory but on Babels walls,

Worlds wonder for a while, but yet it falls.

Fierce Tomris, {^Cyrus heads-man) Scythians queen,

Had put her harnefs oft', had fhee but feen

Our Amazon in th' Camp of Tilbiiry,^

Judging all valour and all Majefty

Within that Princefs to have refidence.

And proftrate yielded to her excellence.

Dido firft Foundrefs of proud Carthage walls, [213]

(Who living confummates her Funeralls)

A great Eliza, but compar'd with ours.

How vanilheth her glory, wealth and powers.

Profufe, proud Cleopatra, whole wrong name,

Inftead of glor}', prov'd her Countr^^es fhame:

g And TiroH bound, before her picfture fell. /' her.

'■ wit. J plac'd. k at Tilberry:

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