Page:The works of Anne Bradstreet in prose and verse.djvu/449

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Davids Lamentation for [215] Saul and Jonathan^

2. Sam. I. 19.

A Las (lain is the Head of Ifrael,

Illuftrious Saul ^n\\o{q beauty did excell, Upon thy places mountainous and high, How did the Mighty fall, and falling dye? In Gatli let not this things be fpoken on, Nor publifhed in ftreets o^ Askalon, Left daughters of the Philiftines rejoyce. Left the uncircumcis'd lift up their voice. O Giibo Mounts, let never pearled dew. Nor fruitfull fhowres your barren tops beftrew, Nor fields of offrings ever on you grow. Nor any pleafant thing e're may 3'ou fliow; For there the Mighty Ones did foon decay, The fliield of Said was vilely caft away,

  • This is the last piece but one in the first edition. The last, " Of the

vanity of nil -vorldly creatures, is printed on pages 233-235 of the second edition, under the title of " The Vanity of all tvorldly things." All the following poems, with this exception, were published for the first time in the second edition. « For the.

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