Page:The works of Anne Bradstreet in prose and verse.djvu/450

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364 Anne BradJireeVs Works.

There had his dignity lb fore a fovle,

As if his head ne're felt the facred oyle.

Sometimes from crimfon, blood of gaftly flain,

The bow of yonathan ne're turn'd in vain:

Nor from the fat, and fpoils of Mighty men

With bloodlefs fword did Saul X\\x\\ back agen.

Pleafant and lovely, w^ere they both in life, [-^^]

And in their death was found no parting ftrife.

Swifter then fwifteft Eagles fo were they,

Stronger then Lions ramping for their prey.

O Ifraels Dames, oVeflow your beauteous eyes

For valiant Saul who on Mount Gilbo 13'es,

Who cloathed you in Cloath of richeft Dye,

And choice delights, full of variety.

On your array put ornaments of gold,

Which made you yet more beauteous to behold.

O! how in Battle did the mighty fall

In midft of flrength not fuccoured at all.

O lovely yonathanl how waft thou flain?

In places high, full low thou didft remain.

Diftrelt for thee I am, dear Jonathan.,

Thy love was wonderful 1, furpalling man,'^

Exceeding all the love that's Feminine,

So pleafant halt thou been, dear brother mine.

How are the mighty falfn into decav?

And warlike weapons perifhed away?

b pafling a man.

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