Page:The works of Xenophon Vol III Part II.djvu/12

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point of view (except that of the tactician, though there is an exceedingly interesting chapter entitled "Rôle militaire des Cavaliers," which contains a sketch of the history of Athenian cavalry operations between 445 B.C. and 328 B.C.).

(2) Geschichte des Griechischen Kriegswesens von der ältesten Zeit bis auf Pyrrhos, nach den Quellen, bearbeitet von W. Rüstow und Dr. H. Köchly. To the authors of this work I have had occasion to express my indebtedness more than once. It is still, I believe, far the best treatise on ancient military tactics, though I can conceive a work written by an English or American scholar based upon it which would be of great service to the student. At present, to clear one's ideas concerning cavalry tactics (a small part of the matter, though the one with which we are at present concerned), it is necessary to turn to Arrian, Diodorus, and Polybius, or else to the modern historians. Gibbon, Arnold, Grote.

(3) Un Cheval de Phidias, par Victor Cherbuliez. Of this exquisite treatise on Greek art it is impossible to speak too praisingly. No modern writer, as far as I know, has done more to give Xenophon's treatise on Horsemanship its proper place in literature. No one certainly has so clearly appreciated the close connection between Xenophon's fine literary study of equestrian splendour and its loveliest embodiment in plastic art.

The Cynegeticus was translated in An ix. (1801), as the title-page has it, by the well-known Greek scholar and Professor of Greek Literature in the College de France, J. B. Gail, under the title Les Cynígétiques, ou Traité de la Chasse, Histoire naturelle ancienne, Ire partie, faisant suite aux éditions de Buffon im-