Page:The worsted man; a musical play for amateurs, by John Kendrick Bangs.djvu/18

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The Worsted Man

is desk for cashier, registry, etc. All the clerks are women. There is one colored bell-boy, who also runs the elevator. Above the mantel -piece the head of a moose shot eight hundred miles from the hotel is affixed to the chimney - breast and gazes placidly through its glass eyes upon all that goes on within range of their sockets. The action of non-speaking characters in the play is continuous porters carrying in trunks, the elevator incessantly running, the cashier footing-up columns of -figures and chewing upon the end of her penholder; an occasional waitress passes through, carrying a large tray holding teacups, teapots, dishes of milk - toast, etc. The only masculine life in sight consists of the colored bell boy and an octogenarian invalid who for the sake of verisimilitude in the play is frequently rolled across the rear of

the stage in a wicker wheel - chair.