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pect Tony to be writin’ to no lady with his education,would you?

Father McKee

No, I can’t say that I would.


Why, I even had to read him the letters she wrote back. That’s how I got my dope. An’ what I say is: she’s got plenty of sense. Don’t you fool yourself she hasn’t. I’ll show you. [He goes to the chest of drawers for some letters and photographs. He brings them back to the Padre.] You can see for yourself. [And he submits Exhibit A—a letter.] Tony goes to Frisco lookin’ for a wife, see? The nut! An’ he finds Amy waitin’ on table in a spaghetti joint. Joint’s called “Il Trovatore.” Can you beat it? He ain’t even got the nerve to speak to her. He don’t even go back to see her again. He just falls for her, gets her name from the boss an’ comes home an’ makes me write her a letter proposin’ marriage. That’s her answer.

Father McKee

It’s good clear writin’. It’s a good letter. It looks like she’s got more character’n what I thought. But, just the same, it ain’t no way to conduct a courtship,


There’s worse ways.