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Father McKee

She says she likes the letter you wrote.


The second time I wrote, I told her all about the farm an’ just how she was goin’ to be fixed. Oh, I was careful not to say nothin’ about Tony’s money. Only the Ford. I thought she ought to know about the Ford. [He hands the second letter over.] An’ she wrote this one back.

Father McKee

She likes the country, does she? She wants Tony’s photo.


Say, you ought to have seen Tony gettin’ his face shot! By God! It took me a whole week to talk him into it. An’ when I did get him down there—you know that place across from the depot?—dam’ if he wasn’t scared right out of his pants!

Father McKee

By what?


By the camera! Would you believe it? We had to clamp him into the chair, both of us, the photogra-