Page:Thirty-One Years on the Plains and in the Mountains.djvu/13

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Chapter I. A Boy Escapes a Tyrant and Pays a Debt with a Hornet's Nest Meets Kit Carson and Becomes the Owner of a Pony and a Gun
Chapter 2. Beginning of an Adventurous Life First Wild Turkey First Buffalo First Feast as an Honored Guest of Indians Dog Meat
Chapter 3. Hunting and Trapping in South Park. Where a Boy, Unaided, Kills and Scalps Two Indians Meeting with Fremont, the "Path-finder".
Chapter 4. A Winter in North Park Running Fight with a Band of Utes for More than a Hundred Miles, Ending Hand to Hand Victory
Chapter 5. On the Cache-la- Poudre Visit from Gray Eagle, Chief of the Arapahoes. A Bear-hunttr is Hunted by the Bear Phil, the Cannibal
83- 96
Chapter 6. Two Boys Ride to the City of Mexico Eleven Hundred Miles of Trial, Danger and Duty A Gift Horse The Wind River Mountains
Chapter 7. A Three Days' Battle Between the