Index:Thirty-One Years on the Plains and in the Mountains.djvu

Title Thirty-One Years on the Plains and in the Mountains
Author William F. Drannan
Year 1904
Publisher Rhodes & McClure Publishing Co.
Location Chicago
Source djvu
Progress To be proofread
Transclusion Index not transcluded or unreviewed
Pages (key to Page Status)
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Chapter I. A Boy Escapes a Tyrant and Pays a Debt with a Hornet's Nest Meets Kit Carson and Becomes the Owner of a Pony and a Gun
Chapter 2. Beginning of an Adventurous Life First Wild Turkey First Buffalo First Feast as an Honored Guest of Indians Dog Meat
Chapter 3. Hunting and Trapping in South Park. Where a Boy, Unaided, Kills and Scalps Two Indians Meeting with Fremont, the "Path-finder".
Chapter 4. A Winter in North Park Running Fight with a Band of Utes for More than a Hundred Miles, Ending Hand to Hand Victory
Chapter 5. On the Cache-la- Poudre Visit from Gray Eagle, Chief of the Arapahoes. A Bear-hunttr is Hunted by the Bear Phil, the Cannibal
83- 96
Chapter 6. Two Boys Ride to the City of Mexico Eleven Hundred Miles of Trial, Danger and Duty A Gift Horse The Wind River Mountains
Chapter 7. A Three Days' Battle Between the
Comanches and the Utes for the Possession of a "Hunter's Paradise"—An Unseasonable Bath.
Chapter 8. Kit Carson Kills a Hudson Bay Company's Trapper, Who "Was Spoiling for a Fight—Social Good Time with a Train of Emigrants
Chapter 9. Marriage of Kit Carson—The Wedding Feast—Providing Buffalo Meat, in the Original Package, for the Boarding-house at Bent's Fort
Chapter10. Robber Gamblers of San Francisco—Engaged by Col. Elliott as Indian Scout—Kills and Scalps Five Indians—Promoted to Chief Scout
Chapter11. A Lively Battle with Pah-Utes—Pinned to Saddle with an Arrow—Some Very Good Indians Stuttering Captain—Beckwith Opens His Pass.
Chapter12—Col. Elliott Kills His First Deer, and Secures a Fine Pair of Horns as Present for His Father— Beckwith's Tavern—Society
Chapter13—Something Worse than Fightinp Indians Dance at Col. Elliott's—Conspicuous Suit of Buckskin I Manage to Get Back to Beckwith's
Chapter 14. Drilling the Detailed Scouts—We Get Among the Utes—Four Scouts Have Not Reported Yet—Another Lively Fight—Beckwith Makes a Raise
Chapter 15. A Hunt on Petaluma Creek Elk Fever Breaks Out The Expedition to Klamath Lake A Lively Brush with Modoc Indians
Chapter 16. More Fish than I Had Ever Seen at One Time We Surprise Some Indians, Who Also Surprise Us The Camp at Klamath Lake I Get Another Wound and a Lot of Horses
Chapter 17. Discovery of Indians with Stolen Horses We Kill the Indians and Return the Property to Its Owners Meeting of Miners In Society Again.
Chapter 18.- Trapping on the Gila The Pimas Impart a Secret Rescue of a White Girl A Young Indian Agent Visit to Taos Uncle Kit Fails to Recognize Me.
Chapter 19. A Warm Time in a Cold Country A Band of Bannocks Chase Us Into a Storm that Saves Us Kit Carson Slightly Wounded Beckwith Makes a Century Run
Chapter 20. Carson Quits the Trail Buffalo Robes for Ten Cents "Pike's Peak or Bust" The New City of Denver "Busted" How the News Started.
Chapter 21. A Fight With the Sioux Hasa, the Mexican Boy, Killed Mixed Up With Emigrants Some More Four New Graves Successful Trading With the Kiowas
Chapter 22. A Trip to Fort Kearney The General Endorses Us and We Pilot an Emigrant Train to California Woman Who Thought I Was "no Gentleman" A Camp Dance
Chapter 23. Bridger and West Give Christmas a High Old Welcome in Sacramento California Gulch Meeting with Buffalo Bill Thirty-three Scalps with One Knife
Chapter 24. Face to Face with a Band of Apaches

The Death of Pinto The Closest Call I Ever Had

A Night Escape Back at Fort Douglas
Chapter 25. Three Thousand Dead Indians A De-

tective from Chicago He Goes Home with an Old Mormon's Youngest Wife and Gets into Trouble The

Chapter 26. Through to Bannock A Dance of Peace

Fright of the Negroes A Freight Train Snowed in and a Trip on Snow-shoes Some Very Tough Road

Chapter 27. Organization of a Vigilance Committe

End of the Notorious Slade One Hundred Dollars for

a "Crow-bait" Horse Flour a Dollar a Pound.
Chapter 28. Twenty-two Thousand Dollars in Gold

Dust A Stage Robbery Another Trip to California

Meeting with Gen Crook Chief of Scouts.
Chapter 29. Find Some Murdered Emigrants We Bury the Dead and Follow and Scaip the Indians Gen. Crook Is Pleased with the Outcome A Mojave Blanket
Chapter 30. A Wicked Little Battle Capture of One Hundred and Eighty-two Horses Discovery of Black Canyon Fort Yuma and the Paymaster
Chapter 31. To California for Horses My Beautiful Mare, Black Bess We Get Sixty-six Scalps and Seventy-eight Horses A Clean Sweep
Chapter 32. Some Men Who Were Anxious for a Fight and Got It Gen. Crook at Black Canyon—Bad Mistake of a Good Man The Victims.!
Chapter 33. The Massacre at Choke Cherry Canyon Mike Maloney Gets Into a Muss Rescue of White Girls Mike Gets Even with the Apaches.
Chapter 34. Massacre of the Davis Family A Hard Ride and Swift Retribution A Pitiful Story Burial of the Dead I am Sick of the Business.
Chapter 35 Black Bess Becomes Popular in San Francisco A Failure as Rancher Buying Horses in Oregon The Klamath Marsh Captain Jack the Modoc
Chapter 36. The Modoc War—Gen. Wheaton Is Held
Off by the Indians—Gen. Canby Takes Command and Gets It Worse—Massacre of the Peace Commission
Chapter 37 The Cry of a Babe—Capture of a Bevy of Squaws—Treachery of Gen. Ross' Men in Killing Prisoners—Capture of the Modoc Chief
Chapter 38. Story of the Captured Braves—Why Captain Jack Deserted—Loathsome Condition of the Indian Stronghold—End of the War—Some Comments
Chapter 39. An Interested Boy—Execution of the Modoc Leaders—Newspaper Messengers—A Very Sudden Deputy Sheriff—A Bad Man Wound Up
Chapter 40. In Society Some More—A Very Tight Place—Ten Pairs of Yankee Ears—Black Bess Shakes Herself at the Right Time—Solemn Compact.
Chapter 41. We Locate a Small Band of Red Butchers and Send them to the Happy Hunting Grounds—Emigrants Mistake Us for Indians—George Jones Wounded
Chapter 42. "We Are All Surrounded" A Bold Dash and a Bad Wound—Mrs. Davis Shows Her Gratitude—Most of My Work Now Done on Crutches.
Chapter 43. Poor Jones Makes His Last Fight—He
Died Among a Lot of the Devils He Had Slain End of Thirty-one Years of Hunting, Trapping and Scouting
Chapter 44. A Grizzley Hunts the Hunter Shooting Seals in Alaskan Waters I Become a Seattle Hotel Keeper and the Big Fire Closes Me Out Some Rest The Old Scout's Lament