Page:Thirty-One Years on the Plains and in the Mountains.djvu/469

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there being fine grass, I stopped and let my horse feed for an hour or more. I was riding my old Pinto that day and he was also feeling fine.

About one o'clock I mounted Pinto and started south, striking for a high mountain, from which if I could once reach the top, I could, with the aid of my glasses, see all over the entire country.

I stopped and let my horse feed.

While climbing this mountain I ran on to a bear cub. Seeing that he was very fat, I shot him and lashed him behind my saddle, and as soon climbing the mountain again, which was. in places, steep and very rocky, with scattering pine trees here and there. After going about a half a mile and just, as I came to the top of a steep little pitch, I came face to face with a band of Apache Indians. I did not take time to count them, but thought there were about eighteen or twenty of them. I fired four shots in quick suc-