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Motif-Index of Folk-Literature
A167.1. Council of the gods. India: *Thompson-Balys.
A168. Family of gods (cf. A111, A164). Greek: Fox 151ff. passim. — Tahiti: Henry 231; Easter Is.: Métraux Ethnology 311; Buddhist myth: Malalasekera II 964.
A169. Mutual relations of the gods — miscellaneous.
A169.1. Judge and tribunal of the gods. Icel.: *Boberg.
A170. Deeds of the gods.
A171. Gods ride through air. India: *Thompson-Balys.
A136.6. God rides flying elephant. F32. God visits earth. K1811. Gods in disguise visit mortals.
A171.0.1. God drives chariot over waves. Irish myth: Cross.
A421. Sea-god. B71. Sea-horse. B181.4. Magic horse travels on sea or land. D1114. Magic chariot. D1533.1.2. Magic land and water chariot.
A171.0.2. God ascends to heaven. Hawaii: Beckwith Myth 109; Maori: Beckwith Myth 83; So. Am. Indian (Huamachuco): Métraux RMLP XXXIII 151.
A171.0.3. God descends from heaven.
F32. God visits earth. K1811. Gods in disguise visit mortals.
A171.0.3.1. God descends on rainbow. Tahiti: Henry 232; Hawaii: Beckwith Myth 37.
F152.1.1. Rainbow bridge to otherworld.
A171.0.3.2. God descends in form of shooting star. New Zealand: Beckwith Myth 113.
A171.1. God rides through air on wind-swift horse. Icel.: MacCulloch Eddic 43.
A136.1.2.1. Slelpnir: eight-legged horse of Odin. B41.2. Flying horse.
A171.1.1. God rides through air in chariot. Jewish: Neuman.
A136.2. God's chariot.
A171.1.2. Valkyries ride through air and water. Icel.: Boberg.
A171.2. God flies in bird plumage. Icel.: MacCulloch Eddic 83, Boberg; Greek: Iliad and Odyssey passim.
A171.3. God flies in pillar of floating clouds, thunder, and lightning. Hawaii: Beckwith Myth 29.
A172. Gods intervene in battle. Irish myth: Cross; Greek: Iliad passim; Norse: Herrmann Nordische Mythologie 291ff, Boberg; Gaster Thespis 349; Hindu: Tawney I 412, II 473—477; Jewish: *Neuman.
A185. Gods and goddesses help the men, heroes, whom they like. A185.1. God aids half-mortal son in battle. A536. Demigods fight as allies of mortals. D2163.2. Magic reinforcements. F349.2. Fairy aids mortal in battle. F394.2. Mortals aid fairies in war. K1845. Substitute in battle. N817.0.1. God as helper.
A173. Gods deposed for a time. Irish myth: Cross; Icel.: De Vries FFC XCIV 38ff., Herrmann Saxo II 109ff.; Hindu: Tawney II 581. — Hawaii: Beckwith Myth 11, 17, 177.
A128.4. God with one hand. P16.2. King must resign if maimed (disfigured).
A173.1. In god's absence his function ceases. Death, reproduction, etc., suspended until the god's return. — *Wesselski Archiv Orientálni I 300ff.
A431.1. Goddess of fertility.