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A. Mythological Motifs
A173.2. Gods imprisoned. Irish myth: Cross.
A175. God reduces the elements to order. Greek: Fox 9; Irish myth: Cross; Jewish: *Neuman. — Hawaii: Beckwith Myth 20ff.
A530. Culture hero establishes law and order.
A175.1. God supplies reproductive energy to all things. Hawaii: Beckwith Myth 20, 32.
A176. God ordains ceremonies and regulations. Jewish: *Neuman; India: Thompson-Balys; Hawaii: Beckwith Myth 40.
A1500. Origin of customs.
A177. God as thief. Greek: *Frazer Apollodorus II 6 n. 1 (Hermes).
F365. Fairies steal.
A177.1. God as dupe or trickster. Irish myth: Cross.
A521. Culture hero as dupe or trickster. K232.2.1. Fairy loses stronghold by consenting to lend it for "a day and a night".
A178. God as prophet. Irish myth: Cross; Jewish: *Neuman.
M301. Prophets.
A179. Deeds of the gods — miscellaneous.
A179.1. God as rath-builder. Irish myth: Cross.
D1136.1. Fort produced by magic. F531.6.6. Giants as builders of great structures.
A179.2. God given dominion over floating island. Hawaii: Beckwith Myth 71.
F737. Wandering island.
A179.3. God deliberately has enemies kill him. Hivaoa (Marquesas): Handy 105.
A179.4. Head of god bitten off by shark. Hivaoa (Marquesas): Handy 108.
A179.5. Deity reincarnated. Hawaii: Beckwith Myth 279.
A162.5. God reborn of human woman.
A179.6. God has power to create men. Marquesas: Handy 122.
A179.7. God divests self of earthly raiment and clothes self with lightning. Maori: Beckwith Myth 83.
A179.8. God hides from sun in shadow of a cloud. Tuamotu: Stimson MS (T-G 3/191).
A179.9. God plays with leviathan. Jewish: Neuman.
A844.7. God rests on leviathan. B61. Leviathan.
A180. Gods in relation to mortals. Irish myth: Cross; Norse: Olrik Kilderne til Sakses Oldhistorie I (1892) 30ff., 32ff.
B641.3. Marriage to god in bull form. C50. Tabu: offending the gods. C191. Tabu: mortal lusting after goddess. C312.1.1. Tabu: man looking at nude goddess. C313.1.1. Tabu: goddess seeing mortal husband naked. D42. God in guise of mortal. D42.1. God transformed to giant with three heads and six arms. D101. Transformation: god to animal. D1814.3. Advice from god (or gods). D1983.1. Invisibility conferred by a god. D2161.5.3. Cure by deity. E121.1. Resuscitation by a god. E605.2. Reincarnation: god reborn as man. E605.3. Reincarnation: man becomes god. F32. God visits earth. K1811. Gods (saints) in disguise visit mortals. M226. Immortal exchanges immortality with mortal. M414.1. Goddess cursed. N817. Deity as helper. P535.2.1. Ireland given to mortals by gods in payment of eric for death of their leader. Q1. Hospitality rewarded — opposite punished. Q221. Personal offences against gods