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A. Mythological Motifs
A524.2. Extraordinary weapons of culture hero. Irish myth: Cross.
D1080. Magic weapons.
A525. Good and bad culture heroes. Walapai: Alexander N. Am. 180; S. Am. Indian (Guarani): Métraux BBAE CXLIII (3) 93; Melanesia: Dixon 122ff.; Polynesia, Micronesia: ibid. 122 n. 1.
A50. Conflict of good and evil creators. A71. Creator tries to devour his son, the culture hero. A106. Opposition of good and evil gods. A107. Gods of darkness and of light. A511.1.2.1. Twin culture heroes quarrel before birth. A1750. Animals created through opposition of devil to God.
A525.1.. Culture hero fights with his elder brother. Ojibwa: Jones-Michelson PAES VII (1) 19.
A525.2. Culture hero (god) slays his grandfather. Irish myth: Cross.
A192.1. Old god slain by young god. E765.4.3. Father will die when daughter bears son. M311.1. Prophecy: king's grandson will dethrone him. M343.2. Prophecy: murder by grandson.
A526. Physical characteristics of culture hero (demigod).
A526.1. Culture hero can be wounded. Irish myth: Cross.
F254.4. Fairies can be wounded.
A526.2. Culture hero as mighty hunter. Irish myth: Cross.
F679.5. Skillful hunter.
A526.3. Culture hero has irresistible beauty spot (ball seirc). Irish myth: Cross.
D1355.13. Love-spot.
A526.4. Culture hero has three heads of hair of different colors. Irish myth: Cross.
D991. Magic hair. F555.5.1. Person with three heads of hair.
A526.5. Culture hero has seven pupils in each eye, seven toes on each foot, seven fingers on each hand. Irish myth: Cross.
F541.3.3. Eye with seven pupils. F551. Remarkable feet.
A526.5.1. Culture hero with different colored eyes, one brown, one green. Maori: Clark 30.
A526.6. Culture hero, when angry, subject to contortions. Irish myth: Cross.
D50. Magic changes in man himself. F873.0.1. Battle rage. F969.3.2. Hero's light (luau láith). F1041.2. Horripilation. F1041.16. Extraordinary physical reactions to anger.
A526.7. Culture hero performs remarkable feats of strength and skill. Irish myth: Cross.
F610. Remarkably strong man. F684. Marvelous jumps. F697.1. Culture hero as marvelous ball player. F698. Skill in juggling with swords, balls, etc. H1563. Test of skill.
A526.8. Culture hero can turn feet and knees backwards. Irish myth: Cross.
F517.1.5. Person with knees backward. F531.1.3.2. Giant with heels in front. F531.1.6.8. Giant with knees backwards. G303.4.5.6. Devil's knees are backwards.
A526.9. Lightning flashes from armpits of hero. Maori: Beckwith Myth 250.
A527. Special powers of culture hero.
A527.1. Culture hero precocious. Irish myth: Cross.
A511.4. Growth of culture hero. T615. Supernatural growth.