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Motif-Index of Folk-Literature
A527.1.1. Divine twins make selves a bow and arrow. S. Am. Indian (Chiriguano): Métraux RMLP XXXIII 143, 156, (Carib): ibid. 147.
A527.2. Culture hero has knowledge-giving member (thumb, tooth). Irish myth: Cross.
D1009.2. Magic tooth. D1810.3. Magic knowledge from touching "knowledge tooth" with thumb. D1811.1.1. Thumb of knowledge.
A527.3. Culture hero as magician (drai). Irish myth: Cross.
D1711. Magician. M364.7.2. Coming of saint (Christianity) prophesied by heathen. P427. Druid (magus).
A527.3.1. Culture hero can transform self. S. Am. Indian (Caingang): Métraux BBAE CXLIII (1) 473.
D630. Transformation and disenchantment at will.
A527.3.1.1. Culture hero assumes ugly and deformed guise. S. Am. Indian (Tupinamba): Métraux RMLP XXXIII 168.
K1815. Humble disguise.
A527.4. Culture hero as poet (musician). Irish myth: Cross.
A465.1. Goddess of poetry. A465.2. God of music.
A528. Culture hero has supernatural helpers. Irish myth: Cross.
N810. Supernatural helpers.
A530. Culture hero establishes law and order. Norse: Boberg; Greek: Fox 103; Jewish: Neuman.
A175. God reduces elements to order. A1175. Purchase of night by culture hero.
A530.1. Culture hero completes work of creator. S. Am. Indian (Guarani): Métraux BBAE CXLIII (3) 93, (Tucuna): Nimuendajú BBAE CXLIII (3) 724.
A531. Culture hero (demigod) overcomes monsters. Norse: Boberg; Greek: Grote I 189; Irish myth: Cross, Beal XXI 327; Babylonian: Spence 158; Hindu: Keith 34, 172; India: *Thompson-Balys; Chinese: Coyajee JPASB XXIV 189; Japanese: Anesaki 303; Persian: Carnoy 287, 293, 300. — American Indian: *Thompson Tales 272 n. 1; *Farrand-Frachtenberg JAFL XXVIII 216 (N. Pac. Coast, Chinook, Kathlamet, Shoshone, Maidu, Coos, Alsea, Molala, Kalapuya); and add (Maidu) Dixon PAES IV 59 No. 2, (Joshua) Farrand-Frachtenberg JAFL XXVIII 235 No. 18, (Navaho) Alexander N. Am. 165, (Arikara) ibid. 108; Jicarilla Apache: Mooney AA old ser. XI (1898) 204; S. Am. Indian (Toba): Métraux MAFLS XXXX 4, 8, 62, 66f., 73, 77, (Tucuan): Nimuendajú BBAE CXLIII (3) 724, (Huamachuco): Métraux RMLP XXXIII 151, (Apapocuvá-Guarani): Métraux RMLP XXXIII 138.
A162.1. Fight of the gods and giants. A1071. Fettering of underground monster. A1111. Impounded water. A1125. Wind caused by flapping wings. Culture hero tames the monster bird. B11.11. Fight with dragon. Q433.2. Defeated giants imprisoned in lower world.
A531.1. Culture hero spares certain evil spirits. Old Age, Cold, Poverty, and Hunger beg the culture hero not to destroy them because of their real usefulness to man. — Navaho: Matthews MAFLS V 130ff.
A531.1.1. Culture hero banishes demons. Irish myth: Cross. — Easter Is.: Métraux Ethnology 370.
V229.5. Saint banishes demons.
A531.2. Culture hero banishes snakes. *Krappe "St. Patrick and the Snakes" Traditio V (1947) 323—330; Irish: Cross, Giraldus Cambrensis