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Motif-Index of Folk-Literature
A661.1. Valhalla. The hall of warriors who go to Odin. They die and are resurrected daily. — **Neckel Walhall (Dortmund, 1913); M. Olsen Acta Philol. Scand. VI 151f.; MacCulloch Eddic 312; Irish myth: Cross.
A151. Home of the gods. E155.1. Slain warriors revive nightly.
A661.1.0.1. Valhalla has five hundred and forty doors. Icel.: Boberg.
A661.1.0.2. Goat (Heidrún) in Valhalla gives mead. Icel.: Boberg.
A661.1.0.3. Hog (Sœhrímnir) in Valhalla gives meat. Icel.: Boberg.
A661.1.0.4. Deer (Eikþyrnir) in Valhalla fills the fountain Hvergelmir. Icel.: Boberg.
A661.1.0.5. Cock in Valhalla awakens the gods. Icel: Boberg.
A661.1.1. Inhabitants of heaven divided into companies. Irish myth: Cross.
A661.1.2. Saint sees vision of three cities in heaven: a city of gold, a city of silver, a city of glass. Irish myth: Cross.
F761. City of precious metals and stones. V511.1. Visions of heaven.
A661.2. The eight paradises. Hindu: Penzer VII 246.
A661.3. Five trees of paradise. Hindu: Penzer VIII 248 n.
A661.4. Girls dancing in heaven. India: Thompson-Balys.
A662. Upper world (heaven) as a mountain. The sky is the hollowed under side of the mountain. — Siberian: Holmberg Siberian 341ff.
A663. The plains of heaven. Irish myth: Cross.
F160.1. Otherworld as plain. F756.2. Plain that is earthly paradise.
A665. Support of the sky.
A702.3. Sky supported by north star.
A665.0.1. God stabilizes the sky. Tahiti: Henry 180.
A665.1. God of space upholds sky. Egyptian: Müller 44.
J2273.1. Bird thinks that the sky will fall if he does not support it.
A665.2. Pillar supporting sky. *Holmberg Baum des Lebens 12ff. — Siberian: Holmberg Siberian 333ff.; Norse: MacCulloch Eddic 334ff.
A841. World columns: two (four). F58. Tower (column) to upper world.
A665.2.0.1. Pillars supporting sky. Tahiti: Henry 342; Eskimo (Ungava): Turner RBAE XII (266), (Cape York): Rasmussen III 169, (Greenland): Rink 440.
A665.2.1. Four sky-columns. Four columns support the sky. — Cook Zeus II 140ff.; Frobenius Erdteile VI 165ff. — Egyptian: Müller 35.
A841. Four world-columns.
A665.2.1.1. Four gods at world-quarters support the sky. India: Thompson-Balys. — Aztec: Krickeberg Märchen der Azteken 208, 316.
A842. Atlas.
A665.2.1.2. Four dwarfs support the sky. Icel.: MacCulloch Eddic 264—65.
A665.2.1.3. Sky extended by means of pillars. Tahiti: Henry 342.