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A. Mythological Motifs
A665.3. Mountain supports sky. India: Thompson-Balys; Siberian: Holmberg Siberian 341ff.
A151.1. Home of gods on high mountain. F132. Otherworld on lofty mountain.
A665.3.1. Four mountains support sky. Patch PMLA XXXIII 618 n. 61.
A665.4. Tree supports sky. (Cf. A652.1.).
A665.5. Sky held against earth by great octopus. Tahiti: Henry 338.
A665.6. Serpent supports sky. S. Am. Indian (Yuracare): Métraux BBAE CXLIII (3) 503.
A666. Ladder to heaven (applied to saint). Irish myth: Cross.
A666.1. Eight (symbolical) steps of the ladder of heaven. Irish myth: Cross.
A666.2. Rodent gnaws away ladder to other world and thus ghosts remain on earth. S. Am. Indian (Brazil): Oberg Mato Grosso 109.
A667. Language of heaven. Irish myth: Cross.
A1482.1. Hebrew the language of the inhabitants of heaven.
A669. Nature of the upper world — miscellaneous.
A669.1. Judges in the upper world. Gaster Thespis 186; Icel.: Boberg.
A669.2. Sky of solid substance. S. Am. Indian (Chiriguano): Métraux RMLP XXXIII 164.
A670. Nature of the lower world.
F80. Journey to lower world. H1270. Quest to lower world.
A671. Hell. Lower world of torment. — Jeremias Hölle und Paradies bei den Babyloniern (Leipzig 1903); Köhler Heaven and Hell in Comparative Religion (New York 1923); *Landau Hölle und Fegfeuer in Volksglaube, Dichtung, und Kirchenlehre (Heidelberg, 1909); *Jātaka Index s. v. "hell". — Norse: De la Saussaye 256, 291, MacCulloch Eddic 303, Herrmann Saxo Gr. II 588, *Boberg; Greek: Fox 143; Egyptian: Müller 179; Babylonian: Spence 128; Persian: Carnoy 345; Hindu: Penzer X 169 s. v. "Hades", Keith 100, 160; India: Thompson-Balys. — Japanese: Anesaki 237. — Aztec: Alexander Lat. Am. 80; Maya: ibid. 138; Chaco: ibid. 324; Chibcha: ibid. 198; Eskimo: Alexander N. Am. 7.
A310. God of the world of the dead. B11.3.6. Dragons in hell. D191.1. Lucifer as serpent. D1738. Magic arts learned in hell. E480. Abode of the dead. E481.1. Land of dead in lower world. E755. Destination of the soul. F81. Descent to lower world of dead. Q560. Punishments in hell. Q565. Man admitted to neither heaven nor hell. V511.2. Visions of hell. V520. Salvation.
A671.0.1. Hell located to the north. Irish myth: Cross; Icel.: MacCulloch Eddic 319.
E481.6.1. Land of death in north. E755.2.5. Punishment by cold in hell. G633. North as abode of evil spirits.
A671.0.1.1. Other locations for hell. Jewish: Neuman.
A671.0.2. Creation of hell. Lithuanian: Balys Legends Nos. 2, 5, 7; Jewish: Neuman.
A671.0.2.1. Fire in hell. Christ created fire in hell from his blood; formerly hell was cold. Lithuanian: Balys Legends No. 26.