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Motif-Index of Folk-Literature
A1715. Animals from transformed man. (Cf. A2005, A2011.2.) Lithuanian: Balys Index No. 3115, Balys Legends Nos. 216—219, 261f.; India: Thompson-Balys; Maori: Clark 15; Hawaii: Beckwith Myth 422; Rarotanga (Cook Island): ibid. 101; Tuomatu: Stimson MS (z-G 3/1100); S. Am. Indian (Tiatinagua): Métraux BBAE CXLIII (3) 449, (Mundurucu): Horton ibid. 281, (Cashinawa): Métraux ibid. 685, (Toba): Métraux MAFLS XL 31, 79, (Mataco): Métraux ibid. 64.
A1715.1. Animals from Pharaoh's drowned army. From the army crossing the Red Sea came the various animals. — Dh I 318.
A1715.2. Animals from men transformed for discourtesy to God (Jesus). (Cf. A1831, A1862, A1871.) — *Dh. II 99ff. India: Thompson-Balys.
A1730. Creation of animals as punishment. C841.1. Tabu: killing stork. Bird was once maiden. Q221.1. Discourtesy to god punished.
A1715.3. Seven whistlers are the souls of the Jews who crucified Christ. (Cf. F456.1.1.1.) — England, U.S.: *Baughman.
A1715.4. Animals from transformed men according to favorite food. One man asks for flesh, one for blood, etc. They are changed to mice, cats, and bugs. (Cf. A1811, A1853.) — Finnish: Aarne FFC XXV 150 No. 71.
A1715.5. Animals from transformed survivors of shipwreck. India: Thompson-Balys.
A1895. Creation of bat.
A1716. Animals from transformed ogre or giant. Maori: Clark 101.
A1716.1. Animals from different parts of body of slain giant. Giant person, cow, ox, etc. — Persian: Carnoy 288. — Borneo, Philippines: Dixon 177.
A2001. Insects from body of slain monster. A2611.3. Coconut tree from head of slain monster. E610. Reincarnation as animal. E613.0.5. Severed heads of monster become birds. G100. Giant ogre.
A1724. Animals from transformed parts of the body (animal or human). India: Thompson-Balys.
A1724.1. Animals from body of slain person. India: Thompson-Balys.
A1724.1.1. Animals from severed fingers of woman. (Cf. A2102.) — N. A. Indian: Thompson Tales 272; India: Thompson-Balys.
A1724.2. Animals from transformed hair. India: Thompson-Balys.
A1724.3. All living things from Jesus' spattered blood. Laguna, Zuñi: Parsons JAFL XXXI 257.
A1725. Animals from parts of body of deity or saint.
A1725.1. Animals from spittle of deity (saint). (Cf. A2181, A2182.) — *Dh II 107ff.
D1001. Magic spittle.
A1725.2. Animals from body dirt of deity (hero). India: Thompson-Balys.
A1727. Primordial animal mutilated to produce present form. Maori: Clark 50; Hawaii: Beckwith Myth 135, 436, 500.
A1730. Creation of animals as punishment. India: Thompson-Balys.
A1715. Animals from men transformed for discourtesy to God (Jesus). A2011.2. Creation of ant: avaricious man transformed.