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A. Mythological Motifs
A1731. Creation of animals as punishment for beating forbidden drum. Gold Coast: Barker and Sinclair 89 No. 16.
A2231.10. Crab beats deity's forbidden drum: eyes lift out of body. C916.2. Animals produced when forbidden drum is beaten.
A1732. Creation of animals to take revenge. India: Thompson-Balys.
A1733. Creation of animals as punishment for incest. India: Thompson-Balys.
A1734. Animals from frogs sent as one of Egypt's plagues. Jewish: Neuman.
A1750. Animals created through opposition of devil to god.
A50. Conflict of good and evil creators. A63.4. Devil and God create animals.
A1751. The devil's animals and God's. In the contest between God and the devil, certain animals are made by each. Dh. I 164 (with lists of the animals). Lithuanian: Balys Index No. 3081, Legends Nos. 124—130; German: Grimm No. 148.
A2286.2. Animal characteristics result of contest between God and devil. A2286.2.1. Devil's animals devour God's. God makes white fish, devil a pike to eat it up, etc. K483. Color of devil's cows changed while he sleeps so that he does not know them. Only those not changed (all black, all red, etc.) belong to the devil.
A1751.1. Mouse created by Lucifer; cat by Michael to destroy mouse. (Cf. A1811. A1853.) — Irish myth: Cross.
A1755. Devil's unsuccessful creation produces certain animals. (Cf. A1811, A1833.1, A1862, A1893.) — Dh I 156.
A1756. Devil produces animals only in God's name. He tries unsuccessfully without using God's name. Dh I 146ff. Lithuanian: Balys Index No. 3086; Legends Nos. 139—146, 152.
A1757. Dualism of animal creation. Persian: Carnoy 291.
A1758. Animals created while god Mahadeo quarrels with his wife. India: Thompson-Balys.
A1770. Creation of animals from unusual primeval mating. S. Am. Indian (Paressi): Métraux BBAE CXLIII (3) 359.
A1771. Animals from mating of sun and moon. S. Am. Indian (Jivaró): Steward-Métraux BBAE CXLIII (3) 627.
A1772. Animals born from primeval mating of snake and person. S. Am. Indian (Tapirapé): Wagley-Galvão BBAE CXLIII (3) 253.
A1790. Creation of animals — other motifs.
A1791. Giant ox ancestor of all animals. Persian: Carnoy 289.
B871.1.1. Giant ox.
A1792. Animals vomited up by creator. Bushongo: Werner African 144.
A1793. Animals emerge from tree. Hawaii: Beckwith Myth 287; S. Am. Indian (Warrau): Kirchhoff BBAE CXLIII (3) 880.
A1795. Animals drop from clouds. India: Thompson-Balys.

A1800—A1899. Creation of mammals.

Note: A1800—A1899 is based upon the following classification of mammals: