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Motif-Index of Folk-Literature
A1810—A1819. Felidae.
A1811. Cat. A1812. Puma. A1813. Leopard. A1814. Lion. A1815. Tiger. A1816. Lynx. A1817. Jaguar.
A1820—A1829. Mustelidae.
A1821. Otter. A1822. Mink. A1823. Weasel. A1824. Marten. A1825. Wolverine. A1826. Skunk. A1827. Badger.
A1830—A1839. Canidae and other carnivora.
A1831. Dog. A1832. Fox. A1833. Wolf. A1834. Coyote and other canidae. A1835. Raccoon. A1836. Bear. A1837. Seal. A1838. Walrus.
A1840—A1859. Rodentia.
A1841. Woodchuck. A1842. Prairie-dog. A1843. Chipmunk. A1844. Squirrel. A1847. Beaver. A1848. Gopher. A1851. Muskrat. A1852. Lemming. A1853. Mouse. A1854. Rat. A1856. Hare (rabbit). A1857. Mongoose. A1858. Porcupine.
A1860—A1869. Primata.
A1861. Monkey. A1862. Ape. A1863. Baboon. A1864. Gorilla. A1865. Orangutan.
A1870—1889. Ungulata.
A1871. Hog. A1872. Hippopotamus. A1873. Camel. A1874. Giraffe. A1875. Deer. A1876. Moose (elk). A1877. Cow. A1878. Bison (buffalo). A1881. Horse. A1882. Ass. A1883. Zebra. A1884. Sheep. A1885. Goat. A1886. Rhinoceros. A1887. Elephant.
A1890—1899. Other mammals.
A1891. Opossum. A1892. Kangaroo. A1893. Mole. A1894. Hedgehog. A1895. Bat. A1896. Anteater. A1897. Armadillo.
Since whales are thought of as fish in folk-literature they have been catalogued under that heading rather than under mammals, where they strictly belong.
A1800. Creation of mammals. Irish myth: Cross; Jewish: Neuman; India: Thompson-Balys.


A1810. Creation of felidae.
A1811. Creation of cat. Esthonian: Aarne FFC XXV 150 No. 71 (cf. A1715.4); Finnish: Aarne FFC VIII 11 No. 55, XXXIII 53 No. 55, Dh I 166, 273 (cf. A1751.); ibid. I 157 (cf. A1755.) — Lithuanian: Balys Index No. 3120, Legends No. 133, 195, 220f.; Jewish: Neuman; India: Thompson-Balys.
A1751.1. Mouse created by Lucifer: cat by Michael to destroy mouse.
A1811.1. Cat from transformed eagle. Eagle mistakes stick of wood for fish and gets feet caught. Wind blows off feathers and makes hair. (Cf. A1710.) — Finnish: Aarne FFC VIII 11 No. 54.
A1811.2. Creation of cat: sneezed from lion's nostrils. Devil as mouse gnaws hole in bottom of ark. Noah asks lion's help. Lion sneezes and cat comes from lion's nostril and eats mouse. *Dh I 271ff.
A1811.3. Cat of divine origin; is really praying when he purrs. India: Thompson-Balys.
A1815. Creation of tiger. India: *Thompson-Balys; S. Am. Indian (Apapocuvu-Guaraní): Métraux RMLP XXXIII 138.