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Motif-Index of Folk-Literature
B15.3.4.2. Horned armadillo lives underground. S. A Indian (Chaco): Belaieff BBAE CXLIII (1) 379.
B15.3.5. Animal with horn on his head pointing to the sky. Chinese: Graham.
B15.4. Animals with unusual eyes. (Cf. B15.7.2.) Irish myth: Cross.
B721. Cat's luminous eye. F541. Remarkable eyes.
B15.4.1. Many-eyed animal.
B15.4.1.1. Many-eyed antelope. Southern Ute: Lowie JAFL XXXVII 49 No. 24.
B15.4.1.2. Four-eyed tiger. S. A. Indian (Yuracare): Métraux RMLP XXXIII 144.
B15.4.1.3. Four-eyed jaguar. S. A. Indian (Yuracare): Métraux BBAE CXLIII (3) 503.
B15.4.1.4. Eight-eyed bat. Hawaii: Beckwith Myth 233.
B15.4.2. Beasts with fiery eyes.
B15.4.2.1. Dog with fire in eyes. (Cf. B19.4.) — Fb "ild". — Gaster Thespis 214.
E42.3.6. Ghosts as dogs with glowing tongues and eyes. E501.4.1.3. Dogs with fiery eyes in wild hunt.
B15.4.3. Dogs with eyes like plates, tea-cups, etc. Fb. "øje" 1165b.
B15.4.4. Animal with human eyes (transformed man). Icel.: *Boberg.
B15.4.5. One-eyed pig. Irish myth: Cross.
B15.5. Animal unusual as to his nose (snout).
F514. Person unusual as to his nose. F543. Remarkable nose.
B15.5.1. Horse with fire-breathing nostrils. (Cf. B19.1.) — Fb "ild" II 12a; Icel.: *Boberg.
B742. Animal breathes fire. E501.4.2.4. Horse in wild hunt breathes fire.
B15.5.2. Animal with snout of iron. Irish myth: Cross. (Cf. B15.7.13.1.)
B15.6. Animals with unusual legs or feet. (Cf. B19.1.)
B11.2.4. Feet of dragon. E501.4.2.6. Two-legged horse in wild hunt. F551. Remarkable feet. H609.5. Symbolical interpretation of fight between one-legged bird and twelve-legged bird. X1381. Lie: animal with long and short legs for mountain climbing.
B15.6.0.1. One-footed animal. Irish myth: Cross.
B15.6.1. Three-legged quadrupeds. Fb. "trebenet"; Zingerle Sagen aus Tirol 590; Tobler Epiphanie der Seele 20; *Hdwb. d. Abergl. II 420. Mannhardt Germanische Mythen 409; Wehrhan Freimauerei 53 (hare). — Swiss: Jegerlehner Oberwallis 324 No. 152.
E501.4.1.6. Three-legged dogs in wild hunt. E521.2. Three-legged ghost of horse. F241.1.3. Fairies ride on three-legged horses.
B15.6.2. Empousa. Monster with one foot of brass and another of an ass. — Greek: Fox 278.
B15.6.3. Animals with many legs. Ipolyi Zs. f. deutsche Mythologie II 269. — Hindu: Penzer III 259 n. 1 (sarabhas); Irish myth: Cross.
B15.6.3.1. Six-legged quadruped.