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B. Animals
B15. Six-legged horse. Cheremis: Sebeok-Nyerges.
A135. Sleipnir: eight-legged horse of Odin.
B15.6.3.2. Twelve-legged bird. Irish myth: Cross.
B172. Magic bird. H619.5. Symbolical interpretation of fight between one-legged bird and twelve-legged bird.
B15.6.3.3. Seven-legged beast. India: Thompson-Balys.
B15.6.4. Bull with human hands and feet. India: Thompson-Balys.
B15.7. Other animals with unusual limbs or members. (Cf. B20, B142, B92.) Irish myth: Cross.
B15.7.1. Cerberus. The hell hound with three heads, a serpent's tail, and a writhing tangle of snakes from his body. Irish myth: Cross; Greek: Fox 88, 142.
A673. Hound of hell. Cerberus (monstrous dog) guards the bridge to the lower world.
B15.7.2. Monster three-legged ass. Stands in the ocean. Has three feet, six eyes, nine mouths, two ears, one horn, a white body. Two eyes are in eye position, two on top of his head, two on his hump. He renders powerless by the sharpness of his eyes. He has three mouths in his head, three in his hump, and three in the inner parts of his flanks. Each mouth is the size of a cottage. (Cf. B13, B15.1, B15.2, B15.4.) — Persian: Carnoy 270.
B871. Giant animals. G350. Animal ogres.
B15.7.3. Bird with head of gold and wings of silver. Irish myth: Cross.
B15.7.4. Fox with eight-forked tail. Japanese: Anesaki 325, Ikeda.
B15.7.5. Ghormuhas: men's bodies, horses' heads, one leg, cannibals. (Cf. B21.) India: Thompson-Balys.
B15.7.6. Three-tailed turtle. Korean: Zong-in-Sob 169 No. 73.
B15.7.7. Leopard with nine tails. Africa (Chaga): Gutman Globus XCI 239ff.
B15.7.7.1. Nine-tailed fox. Korean: Zong-in-Sob 230 No. 99, 20 No. 9, 38 No. 22; Japanese: Ikeda; Chinese: Eberhard FFC CXX 141.
B15.7.8. Boar with nine tusks in each jaw. Irish myth: Cross.
B16.4. Giant devastating boar. B183. Magic boar. B871.2. Giant boar.
B15.7.9. Cow with tallow liver. Irish myth: Cross.
B182. Magic cow. H1331.3.2. Quest for cow with liver of tallow. U35. Rich man seizes poor widow's cow.
B15.7.9.1. Cow with two bags: one containing a one-legged bird; the other, a twelve-legged bird. Irish myth: Cross.
B182. Magic cow (ox, bull).
B15.7.10. Animal unusual as to skin. Irish myth: Cross.
B15.7.10.1. Animal with horny skin. Irish myth: Cross.
F558. Man covered with horn.
B15.7.10.2. Animal with hair of iron pins. Irish myth: Cross.
B15.7.11. Animal with one head, two bodies, six legs. Irish myth: Cross. (Cf. B15.6.3.5, B15.7.9.1.)