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Motif-Index of Folk-Literature
B15.7.12. Eel with fiery mane. Irish myth: Cross.
B17.2.1.2. Hostile eel attacks hero. D1271. Magic fire.
B15.7.13. Bird with fiery beak. Irish myth: Cross.
B11.12.3. Fiery dragon. B33.1. Other devastating birds. D1271. Magic fire.
B15.7.13.1. Bird with beak of iron. Irish myth: Cross; Icel.: *Boberg.
B15.7.14. Bird with tail of fire. Irish myth: Cross.
B15.7.15. Monster with 100 hands, 100 palms on each hand, and 100 nails on each palm. Irish myth: Cross.
B15.7.16. Eagle with twelve wings and three heads. Jewish: Moreno Esdras (B172.6.)
B16. Devastating animals. India: *Thompson-Balys.
B11.2.11. Fire-breathing dragon. B11.12.2. Dragon's shriek makes land barren. B17. Hostile animals. B33. Man-eating birds. B776. Venomous animals. E263. Adulteress returns from dead as devastating dragon. F366.3. Fairies in form of devastating animals kill flocks. F981.4. Fiery bolt from heaven kills devastating animal. G346. Devastating monster. H1161. Task: killing ferocious beast. H1362. Quest for devastating animals.
B16.0.1. Beasts that destroy vineyards and steal fruit. Irish myth: Cross.
B16.0.2. Tormenting beast in man's stomach. Irish myth: Cross.
B16.0.3. Man-eating monster (in cave). Irish myth: Cross.
B16.1. Devastating domestic animals.
B16.1.1. Monster cat devastates country. Welsh: MacCulloch Celtic 191; Irish myth: Cross; Breton: Sébillot Incidents s.v. "chat"; India: Thompson-Balys.
B184. Magic cat. B871.10. Giant cat. H1411.2. Fear test: spending night in haunted house infested by cats. R13.2. Cat abducts person.
B16.1.1.1. Monster cat born of a pig. Welsh: MacCulloch Celtic 191.
B871. Giant animals.
B16.1.1.2. Cat leaps through man like arrow of fire and burns him to ashes. Irish myth: Cross.
B19.4. Glowing animals. B184. Magic cat. F831.2. Arrows of fire. F916. One animal jumps through body of another.
B16.1.1.3. Cat devours flesh of man's legs. Irish myth: Cross.
B16.1.2. Devastating dog (hound). Irish myth: Cross; India: Thompson-Balys.
B16.1.2.1. Giant devastating hound. Irish myth: Cross.
B871.13. Giant dog (hound).
B16.1.3. Devastating horse.
B16.1.3.1. Man-eating mares. *Frazer Apollodorus I 200 n. 1.
B16.1.4. Devastating swine. Irish myth: Cross.
B183. Magic boar (pig).
B16.1.4.1. Giant devastating boar. Irish myth: Cross; Icel.: *Boberg; Greek: Fox 82; Italian: Basile Pentamerone I No. 2; India: Thompson-Balys.
B183. Magic boar. B871. Giant animals.