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B. Animals
B16.1.4.2. Giant devastating sow. Irish myth: Cross; Icel.: MacCulloch Celtic 187, *Fb "so" III 450a.
B16.1.5. Man-eating cattle. India: Thompson-Balys.
B16.1.5.1. Monster ox (bull) killed. Babylonian: Jensen Gilgamesch-Epos VI 94ff., cf. 120—21, 129ff.; Greek: Fox 29, 62, 84, 102; Icel.: MacCulloch Eddic 85, *Boberg; India: Thompson-Balys.
B23. Man-bull.
B16.1.5.2. Destructive cow possessed by demons. Irish myth: Cross. (Cf. B17.1.3.)
B16.1.5.3. Devastating bull. Greek: Grote I 189.
B16.1.6. Destructive sheep. Irish myth: Cross.
B189.1. Magic sheep. B776.1. Venomous sheep destroy enemy. B871.3. Giant sheep.
B16.1.6.1. Devastating supernatural lamb. Irish myth: Cross.
B16.2. Devastating wild animals.
B16.2.1. Devastating fox. Monthly human sacrifice. — *Frazer Apollodoms I 171 n. 2.
S262. Periodic sacrifices to a monster.
B16.2.2. Devastating tiger. India: *Thompson-Balys; Chinese: Graham.
B16.2.2.1. Hostile tiger killed. Icel.: *Boberg.
B16.2.3. Giant lion overcome by hero. Babylonian: Jensen Gilgamesch-Epos VIII; Greek: Fox 80; Icel.: *Boberg; India: *Thompson-Balys.
H1161. Task: killing ferocious beast.
B16.2.4. Giant devastating wolf overcome by hero. Icel.: Boberg.
B16.2.5. Devastating bear killed. Icel.: Boberg.
B16.2.6. Devastating elephant. Icel.: *Boberg; India: Thompson-Balys; Chinese-Persian: Coyajee JPASB XXIV 188.
B16.2.7. Destructive deer. Irish myth: Cross.
B188. Magic deer. F234.1.4. Fairy in form of deer.
B16.2.8. Giant man-eating mice. Irish myth: Cross.
B16.2.9. Devastating bison (buffalo). German: Grimm No. 197; India: Thompson-Balys.
B16.3. Devastating birds. (Cf. B33.)
B16.4. Devastating fish carries off daily victim. India: Thompson-Balys; Greek: Grote I 189.
B16.4.1. Leviathan casts up gorge which spreads disease. Irish myth: Cross.
B61. Leviathan.
B16.4.1.1. Leviathan causes cataclysm by striking earth with tail. Irish myth: Cross.
A1145.2. Earthquakes from movements of sea-monster.
B16. Sea-beast: when it belches landward, it causes disease; upward it kills birds; downward, fishes and sea animals. Irish myth: Cross.