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Motif-Index of Folk-Literature
B81.12. When mermaid appears.
B81.12.1. Mermaid appears at midnight. England: Baughman.
B81.12.2. Mermaid appears once each year. England: Baughman.
B81.13. Miscellaneous actions of mermaid.
B81.13.1. Mermaid asks captain to move boat which blocks entrance to her dwelling. England, U.S.: *Baughman.
B81.13.2. Mermaid is washed up on beach. Wales, England: *Baughman.
B81.13.3. Sight of mermaid bathing makes man immortal. England: Baughman.
B81.13.4. Mermaid gives mortals gold from sea bottom. England: Baughman.
B81.13.5. Giant mermaid (man) cast ashore. Irish myth: Cross.
B81.13.6. Mermaid sings divinely in church (before enticing man away). England: Baughman.
B81.13.7. Mermaid appears as omen of catastrophe. Ireland, England: *Baughman.
B81.13.8. Curse by mermaid. Ireland, England: *Baughman.
B81.13.9. Mermaid ruins seducer of her adopted daughter. England: Baughman.
B81.13.10. Mermaid prevents raising of sunken church bell. (See C401.4.) England: Baughman.
B81.13.11. Mermaid captured. Irish myth: Cross.
D361.1. Swan maiden.
B81.13.11.1. Mermaid caught by fishermen. Irish myth: Cross.
B81.13.12. Mermaid lives for three hundred years under lake. Irish myth: Cross.
D1857. Magic longevity.
B82. Merman. Fb "havmand" IV 205a; *Chauvin V 7 No. 3. — Arabian: Burton V 215, VII 254, 264, 270, IX 169 n., 179, 182ff.; Icelandic: Hálfs saga ok Hálfsrekka (ed. Andrews) 82; Buddhist myth: Malalasekera I 723; Jewish: Neuman; India: Thompson-Balys.
D131.1. Transformation: merman to horse. D1639.3. Images at church turn backs as mark of disfavor. Done when abandoned woman or merman enters.
B82.1. Merman marries maiden. Fb "havmand" I 571a; English ballad: *Child I 366; Danish: Grundtvig Danmarks Gamle Folkeviser No. 38. — Literary treatment: Arnold "The Forsaken Merman".
C713. Forsaken merman. F301. Fairy lover. F322.0.1. Woman carried off by water-fairy.
B82.1.1. Merman demands princess. *Fb "havmand" I 571a; Gaster Thespis 176.
R11.1. Princess (maiden) abducted by monster (ogre).
B82.1.2. Harp music makes merman restore stolen bride. *Fb "havmand" I 571a, II 725.
B82.2. Merman demands cattle as offering. *Fb "havmand" I 571a.
S260. Sacrifices.