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B. Animals
B82.3. Youth takes service with merman. *Fb "havmand" I 571a.
F376. Mortal as servant in fairyland.
B82.4. Merman teaches music. *Fb "nökke" II 725a.
B82.5. Merman attacked by putting steel in the water. *Fb "nökke" II 725a.
F384.2. Steel powerful against fairies.
B82.6. Merman caught by fisherman (released). England: Baughman.
B82.7. Merman lays hands on side of canoe. U. S.: Baughman.
B83. Fish with human face. *Chauvin 8 No. 373A n. 2.
B90. Other mythical animals.
B91. Mythical serpent. Borgese "Giganti e Serpenti" Archivio per lo Studio delle tradizioni popolari XX 507ff., XXI 90ff., 161ff. — Hindu: Penzer I 109 n. 2, II 90 n. 2, 266, III 259 n. 1. — Indo-Chinese: Scott 301; India: Thompson-Balys.
A876. Midgard Serpent. B11. Dragon. B15. Hundred-headed serpent. B16.9. Devastating man-eating seamonster (serpent). B19.4.2. Fiery serpent. B61. Leviathan.
B91.1. Naga. Serpent demon. — Penzer I 203f., VI 28 n. 2; India: Thompson-Balys; Buddhist myth: Malalasekera II 1354.
B91.2. Plumed serpent. Hopi, Zuñi: Alexander N. Am. 188.
B91.3. Horned snake. Jewish: Neuman; N. A. Indian: *Thompson Tales 357 n. 287f.; (Micmac): Parsons JAFL XXXVIII 95 No. 27; (Cherokee): Alexander N. Am. 68f.; Ladino (Honduras, Nicaragua): Conzemius BBAE CVI 169.
B91.4. Sky-traveling snake. N. A. Indian (Zuñi): Alexander N. Am. 188.
B91.5. Sea-serpent. *Oudemans (A. C.) The Great Sea-Serpent (London 1892). — Norwegian: Storaker (J.T.) Naturrigerne i den norske Folketro (Oslo 1928) 249; Solheim Register 17; Irish myth: Cross; Icel.: Boberg.
B11.3.1. Dragon's home at bottom of sea. B15.7.12. Eel with fiery mane. B16.9. Devastating (man-eating) sea-monster (serpent). B875. Giant sea-monster G308. Sea- (lake-) monster. X1396.1. Lie: sea-serpent.
B91.5.1. Sea-serpent dilates and contracts. Irish myth: Cross.
B750. Fanciful habits of animals. D631. Size changed at will.
B91.5.2. Lake-serpent (monster). Irish myth: Cross.
B91.5.2.1. Lake-serpent (monster) in form of woman. Irish myth: Cross.
B81.2.3.1. Mermaid caught by fisherman.
B91.6. Serpent causes flood. Irish myth: Cross.
A1011. Local deluges.
B91.7. Serpent is immortal. Gaster Oldest Stories 81.
B92. Other mythical reptiles. Hawaii: Beckwith Myth 125.
B93. Mythical spider. India: Thompson-Balys.
B94. Mythical crustacean.
B94.1. Mythical crab. India: Thompson-Balys.