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Motif-Index of Folk-Literature
B95. Vegetable lamb. Generated from ground. Umbilical cord is in the ground and the lambs will die if it is forcibly severed. They are frightened into severing it themselves and then live. Vertebrae of the neck planted to produce new ones. — *Laufer JAFL XXVIII 115ff.
B95.1. Vegetable lamb born from melons (as from eggs). — Laufer JAFL XXVIII 124.
B95.2. Marine lamb. Wool taken from sea lamb. (Really textiles from shell-fish pinna). — Laufer JAFL XXVIII 103ff.
B96. Beast with human head and shape of smith's bellows. Irish myth: Cross.
B98. Mythical frog. S. A. Indian (Warrau): Métraux RMLP XXXIII 140.
B99. Mythical animals — miscellaneous. Africa (Ekoi): Talbot 371, (Zanzibar): Bateman 158 No. 8, (Basuto): Jacottet 70, 200, 276, (Ibo of Nigeria): Thomas 147, (Kaffir): Theal 84, 172.
B99.1. Mythical salamander. Jewish: Neuman.
B99.2. Mythical worm. Jewish: Neuman.

B100—B199. Magic animals.


B100. Treasure animals.
*Clouston Tales I 123 ff.; India: Thompson-Balys; Penzer I 20 n., VIII 59 n. 3; Cox 510 n. 54.
B300. Helpful animals. B562.1. Animal shows man treasure. D468.1.1. Transformation: handkerchief with three knots to golden leopard, golden snake, and golden monkey. D876. Magic treasure animal killed: goose that laid the golden egg. D1450. Magic object furnishes treasure. D2100. Magic wealth.
B100.1. Treasure found in slain helpful animal. *Cox Cinderella passim. — Lithuanian: Leskien 448 No. 25; Breton: Luzel III 134; Portuguese: Pedroso 76 No. 18.
B335. Helpful animal killed by hero's enemy.
B100.2. Magic animal supplies treasure. *Cox 510; BP III 60, I 346 (Gr. Nos. 130, 36). — Maliseet: Thompson CColl II 413.
B101. Animals with members of precious metal (jewels).
B101.1. Bird with golden head. Irish myth: Cross; Jewish: Neuman.
B101.1.1. Bird with wings of silver. Irish myth: Cross.
B101.1.2. Bird with golden feet. Jewish: Neuman.
B101.2. Treasure-hog. Alternate bristles of gold and silver; at each step a side of pork falls from him. — Fb "galt".
D1025.1. Magic pigskin.
B101.2.1. Boar with golden bristles. Icel.: MacCulloch Eddic 109, 266.
B101.3. Ram with golden fleece. Cox 510 n. 54. — Icel.: *Boberg; Greek: Fox 108.
D1025. Magic skin of animal.