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C. Tabu
C14. "Adversity" summoned: king says he has heard people speak of adversity but has never seen it; genius of adversity appears. India: Thompson-Balys.
C15. Wish for supernatural husband (wife) realized. (Cf. C26.) — English: Child I 6ff. No. 2.
F301.1.1.1. Girl summons fairy lover by wishing for him. N201. Wish for exalted husband realized.
C15.1. Wish for star-husband realized. **Thompson The Star-Husband Tale (Studia Septentrionalia IV [1953] 93ff.); N. A. Indian: *Thompson Tales 330 n. 193.
A762.1. Star-husband. F15. Visit to star-world. T111.2. Woman from sky-world marries mortal man.
C15.1.1. Wish for star wife realized. S. Am. Indian (Toba): Métraux MAFLS XL 40, 43, (Sherente): Lowie BBAE CXLIII (1) 516.
T111.2. Woman from sky-world marries mortal man.
C15.2. Wish for tree as husband realized. Tree comes to life. — Yuracare: Alexander Lat. Am. 314.
C16. Tabu: offending spirits of the dead. Eskimo (Labrador): Hawks GSCan XIV 153.
C20. Tabu: calling on ogre or destructive animal.
C21. "Ah me!": ogre's name uttered. He appears. Köhler-Bolte I 557; Köhler Zs. f. Vksk. VI 68; *Cosquin Études Folkloriques 532ff.
C25. "Bear's food." To urge on his horses a man threatens them with the bear, calling them "bear's food." The bear hears and comes for them. — *Type 154; **Krohn Mann und Fuchs 11.
C25.1. Child threatened with ogre. Latter takes child off. — Swiss: Jegerlehner Oberwallis 321 No. 72, 323 No. 131; Japanese: Ikeda.
J2066.5. Wolf waits in vain for the nurse to throw away the child. She has threatened to throw the child to the wolf. S211. Child sold (promised) to devil (ogre).
C26. Wish for animal husband realized. Girl says she will marry a certain animal. Latter appears and carries her off. (Cf. C15.) — *Type 552. — Norwegian: Christiansen Norske Eventyr 80.— N. A. Indian: Thompson Tales 341 n. 231.
N201. Wish for exalted husband realized.
C30. Tabu: offending supernatural relative.
C31. Tabu: offending supernatural wife. Upon slight offence the wife leaves for her old home. — *Hoffman-Krayer Zs. f. Vksk. XXV 120 n. 4; Irish myth: Cross; English: Child I 21, 485a, II 496b, 509a, IV 440b; India: *Thompson-Balys; Japanese: Ikeda; N. A. Indian: *Thompson Tales 340 n. 223a; Eskimo (Cumberland Sound): Boas VAM XV 180; Maori: Dixon 58, 72.
C435.1. Tabu: uttering name of supernatural wife. C932. Loss of wife for breaking tabu. C942. Loss of strength from broken tabu. C952. Immediate return to other world for broken tabu. F302.3.3.1. Fairy avenges herself on inconstant lover. F302.6. Fairy mistress leaves man when he breaks tabu. P210. Husband and wife. T111. Marriage of mortal and supernatural being.
C31.1. Tabu: looking at supernatural wife. India: *Thompson-Balys; Chinese: Graham.
C300. Looking tabu.