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Motif-Index of Folk-Literature
C31.1.1. Tabu: looking at supernatural wife too soon. *BP III 114 (Gr. No. 137). — Middle English romance: Wells 145 (Parthenope of Blois).
C31.1.2. Tabu: looking at supernatural wife on certain occasion. (Melusine). The husband must not see the wife when she is transformed to an animal. — *Krappe Bulletin Hispanique XXXV (1933) 121; *Köhler-Bolte III 265nn. 1, 2; **Köhler Der Ursprung der Melusinensage (1895); Desaivre Le Mythe de la Mère Lusine (Extrait des Memoires de la Société de Statistique, Sciences, Lettres, et Arts de Deux-Sèvres [Saint-Maixent 1883]); Keightley Fairy Mythology 480; Baring-Gould Curious Myths 470; Hartland Science 201; Holmström Studier över Svanjungfrumotivet 100; M. Nowack Die Melusinensage (Diss. 1886); *Fränkel Zs. f. Vksk. IV 387; Jegerlehner Oberwallis 307 No. 24.
B31.2. Mermaid marries man. D361.1. Swan maiden. F302.2. Man marries fairy and takes her to his home. G245.1. Witch transforms self into snake when she bathes.
C31.1.3. Tabu: looking at supernatural wife naked. African: Werner 191.
C312.1.1. Tabu: man looking at nude goddess. C942.3. Weakness from seeing woman naked.
C31.1.4. Tabu: husband looking at supernatural wife in childbirth. (Cf. C151.) — Japanese: Anesaki 266.
C31.1.5. Tabu: opening gourd in which star-wife is kept. When curious girls do so, she flies up to sky. S. Am. Indian (Camacoco): Métraux MAFLS XL 48.
C31.2. Tabu: mentioning origin of supernatural wife. (Cf. C33.1, C35.1.) — Swiss: Jegerlehner Oberwallis 296 No. 21; Fjort: Dennett 44 No. 6; Indonesian: DeVries Volksverhalen I No. 35 n.
C440. Origin tabu. C952. Immediate return to other world because of broken tabu.
C31.3. Tabu: disobeying supernatural wife. Congo: Weeks 206f. No. 3; Fjort: Dennett 41 No. 5. — India: Thompson-Balys; Indonesian: DeVries Volksverhalen I No. 35 n.
C31.4. Tabu: blaming supernatural wife. *Chauvin VI 182 No. 343. — Greek: Fox 122 (Thetis). — Indonesian: DeVries Volksverhalen I No. 35 n.
C31.4.1. Tabu: questioning supernatural wife. Hindu: Penzer VII 21 n. 3, II 252f.; India: Thompson-Balys; Indonesian: DeVries Volksverhalen I No. 35 n.
C31.4.2. Tabu: scolding supernatural wife. English: Child V 495 s.v. "scolding". — Swiss: Jegerlehner Oberwallis 296 No. 21; England: Baughman. — Melanesian: Codrington The Melanesians 172.
C31.5. Tabu: boasting of supernatural wife. *BP II 327; Köhler-Bolte I 308ff. — Irish myth: Cross; English: Wells 132 (Sir Launfal). — Fjort: Dennett 42 No. 6.
C453. Tabu: boasting of love-conquest. M55. Judgment: pardon given if hero produces the lady about whom he has boasted.
C31.6. Tabu: calling on supernatural wife. *Type 400; BP II 318ff. (Gr. No. 92); *Fb "ønske" III 1179a. — English: Wells 132 (Sir Launfal.)
D2074.2.3.1. Mistress summoned by wish.
C31.7. Tabu: lousing supernatural wife. Indonesian: DeVries Volksverhalen I No. 35 n.
C31.8. Tabu: striking supernatural wife. Irish myth: Cross; Wales: Baughman; Kassai (Congo): Frobenius Atlantis XII 106.