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C. Tabu
C43.3. Felled tree restored for failure to make proper offerings to tree-spirit. Tuamotu: Beckwith Myth 267.
D1602.2. Felled tree raises itself again.
C44. Tabu: offending guardian spirits. Icel.: MacCulloch Eddic 321; Herrmann Saxo Gr. II 586.
C45. Tabu: offending devil. A smith or priest continually insults the devil's statue or picture (cf. C13). The devil brings the offender into dangerous situation (suspicion of theft or murder), and saves him miraculously when he promises never again to abuse the devil's likeness. Lithuanian: Balys Index No. 3325f.; Legends Nos. 631—637, 789; Cheremis: Sebeok-Nyerges.
C46. Tabu: offending fairy.
F360. Malevolent or destructive fairies.
C46.1. Tabu: breaking promise to fairy: death on twelfth day. India: Thompson-Balys.
C50. Tabu: offending the gods. Irish myth: Cross; India: *Thompson-Balys.
A1346.1. Man must work as punishment for theft of fire. C311.1. Tabu: seeing supernatural creatures. Q457.1. Flaying alive as punishment for contesting with a god. V1. Objects of worship.
C50.1. Tabu: offending goddess of fortune. India: Thompson-Balys. N111. Fortuna.
C51. Tabu: touching possessions of god. India: Thompson-Balys. C916.2. Animals produced when forbidden drum is beaten.
C51.1. Tabu: profaning shrine. Irish myth: Cross, Beal XXI 336; Greek: Grote I 279; India: Thompson-Balys.
B596. Animal helps saint by setting fire to neglected church. C93. Tabu: trespassing sacred precincts. Q222. Punishment for desecration of holy places, images, etc. Q551.3. Punishment: transformation of lovers into lion and lioness for desecrating temple. Q558.18. Saints bring about miraculous death because of desecration of sanctuaries. R325. Church (altar) as refuge. V110. Religious buildings. V113. Shrines.
C51.1.1. Tabu: using altar for secular purposes. Irish: Plummer clxxxiv; Irish myth: Cross.
C51.1.2. Tabu: stealing from altar. (Cf. C51.2.) — Fable: Phaedrus IV 11; Wienert FFC LVI 80 (ET 465), 138 (ST 433).
C51.1.2.1. Tabu: stealing from sacred booty. Jewish: *Neuman.
C51.1.3. Tabu: breathing on sacred fire. British: *MacCulloch Celtic 11 (references given to parallels from Parsis, Brahmans, Japanese, and Germans). — Irish myth: Cross.
C51.1.4. Tabu: misuse of money in alms box. Swiss: Jegerlehner Oberwallis 319 No. 23.
C51.1.5. Tabu: dancing in churchyard. Fb "kirkegaard" II 129.
C752.1.5. Tabu: casting in graveyard after sunset. Q552.2.3. Girl sinks into earth for dancing in church.
C51.1.6. Tabu: discontinuing use of a church. Crane Liber de Miraculis 90 No. 20.
C943. Loss of sight for breaking tabu. Q221. Personal offences against gods punished. V111. Churches.
C51.1.7. Tabu: peeping at sacred font. (Cf. C300.) — Finnish-Swedish: Wessman 19 No. 187.