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Motif-Index of Folk-Literature
C51.1.8. Tabu: allowing a drop to fall upon altar. Irish myth: Cross.
C51.1.9. Tabu: unworthy men to enter or see sanctuary. (Cf. C300.) *Loomis White Magic 97.
C51.1.10. Tabu: to enter sacred places closed to the female sex. (Cf. C51.1.2.) *Loomis White Magic 97.
C181. Tabu confined to women.
C51.1.11. Visits of goddess cease when her sacred spring is disturbed. Tahiti: Henry 85.
C51.1.12. Tabu: striking tree which belongs to deity. Hawaii: Beckwith Myth 111.
C51.1.13. Tabu: treating scornfully statue and dress of goddess. Greek Myth: Grote I 84.
C51.1.14. Tabu: leaving corpse at shrine. Jewish: Neuman.
C51.1.15. Tabu: wearing shoes at shrine. Jewish: Neuman.
C51.2. Tabu: stealing from god or saint. (Cf. C51.1.2.) — Greek: Grote I 145; Tuamotu: Stimson MS (3—G 3/1386); S. Am. Indian (Chiriguano): Métraux RMLP XXXIII 173.
D1713. Magic power of hermit (saint). V224.3. Animal stolen from saint miraculously replaced.
C51.2.1. Tabu: wearing unauthorized sacred robe (jewel). Crane Liber de Miraculis 82 No. 1; Ward Catalogue of Romances II 603 No. 6, 604 No. 7; Irish saints' legend: Plummer xliv; Irish myth: Cross.
C51.2.2. Tabu: cutting sacred trees or groves. (Cf. C43.) — Irish saints' legend: Plummer cliii; Irish myth: Cross.
V1.1.1. Sacred tree. V114. Sacred groves.
C51.2.2.1. Tabu: taking fruit and fish dedicated to goddess. (Cf. C221, C225, C241.) — India: Thompson-Balys.
C51.2.3. Tabu: stealing wife of god. Africa (Ekoi): Talbot 129.
C51.2.4. Tabu: stealing from holy statue. Spanish: Boggs FFC XC 91 No. 769C.
C51.2.5. Tabu: violating refuge with saint. Irish myth: Cross.
C51.3. Tabu: revealing name of god. Jewish: Neuman; Egyptian: Müller 109; Chinese: Werner 294.
C431. Tabu: uttering name of god (or gods). C921. Immediate death for breaking tabu.
C51.3.1. Tabu: desecration of God's name. Jewish: *Neuman.
C51.4. Tabu: revealing secrets of god. Greek: Frazer Apollodorus I 363 n. 1, Grote I 145. — Swiss: Jegerlehner Oberwallis 298 No. 6 (investigating secret source of magic wine cask).
C420. Tabu: uttering secrets.
C51.4.1. Tabu: betraying privacy of god. Emperor visited by God conceals his wife so that she may hear. God ceases his visits. — Type 775*.
C51.4.2. Tabu: spying on secret help of angels. *Toldo Studien zur vgl. Littgsch. IV 52ff.; Irish myth: Cross.