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Motif-Index of Folk-Literature

FMS = Fornmannasögur Norðrlanda. 12 vols. København, 1925—37.

FochF = Folkminnen och Folktankar. Lund.

Folklore Studies (The Catholic University of Peking). 6 vols. Peiping, 1942—47.

Fox, William S. Greek and Roman Mythology (Mythology of all Races I). Boston, 1916.

*Frazer, J. G. Apollodorus: the Library (Loeb Classical Library). London and New York, 1921.
*The Belief in Immortality and the Worship of the Dead. 2 vols. London, 1913.
*The Fasti of Ovid. 5 vols. London, 1929.
*Folklore in the Old Testament. 3 vols. London, 1918.
*The Golden Bough. 3d edition. 12 vols. London, 1907—15.
*Myths of the Origin of Fire. London, 1930.
*Pousanias's Description of Greece. 6 vols. London, 1898.

Frey. See Bolte.

Frobenius, Leo. Atlantis: Volksdichtung und Volksmärchen Afrikas. 12 vols. Jena, 1921—28.
Erlebte Erdteile. Frankfurt a. M., 1925 ff.
and Fox, Douglas C. African Genesis. New York, 1937.

FSS = Fornaldarsögur Suðrlanda (ed. G. Cederschiöld). København, 1901.

Gantenbein, B. Sprichwörter und Fabeln der Kamerun-Neger (Mitteilungen der ostschweizerischen Geograph-Commerciellen Gesellschaft II). St. Gallen, 1909.

*Gaster, Moses. Beiträge zur vergleichenden Sagen- und Märchenkunde (Gruz' Monatschrift fur Geschichte und Wissenschaft des Judentums, XXIX, XXX). Bukarest, 1880, 1881. (Separate reprint, 1882; also included in Studies and Texts in Folklore, cited below).
*The Exempla of the Rabbis. London, Leipzig, 1924.
*Studies and Texts in Folklore, Magic, Medieval Romance, Hebrew Apocrypha and Samaritan Archaeology. 3 vols. London, 1925—28.

☉Gaster, Theodor H. The Oldest Stories in the World. New York, 1952.
Thespis. New York, 1950.

Gautreks Saga (ed. W. Ranisch, Palaestra XI). 1900.

Gayton, A. H. and Newman, Stanley S. Yokuts and Western Mono Myths. Berkeley (Calif.), 1940.

*Gerould, Gordon H. The Grateful Dead (PFLS LX). London, 1908.

*Gifford, E. W. Tongan Myths and Tales. BMB VIII. Honolulu 1924.

Giles, Herbert A. Strange Stories from a Chinese Studio. New York, 1927.

Gilgamisch = Ungrad, A. and Gressman, H. Das Gilgamesch-Epos. Göttingen, 1911.

*Golther, Wolfgang. Zur deutschen Sage und Dichtung. Leipzig, 1911.