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Bibliography and Abbreviations

Göngu Hrólfs saga (FAS III 235 ff.).

Gonzenbach, Laura. Sicilianische Märchen. 2 vols. Leipzig, 1870.

Graf, Arturo. Miti, Leggende e Superstizioni del Medio Evo. 2 vols. Torino, 1892—93.

☉Graham (Chinese) = Graham, David Crockett. Songs and Stories of the Ch'uan Miao (Smithsonian Miscellaneous Publications CXXIII No. 1). Washington, D. C, 1954.

*Gray, Louis H. Baltic Mythology (Mythology of All Races III). Boston, 1918.

Grenfell = Johnson, Sir Harry. George Grenfell and the Congo, II. London, 1908.

Grettis saga (ed. R. C. Boer). ASB VIII. Halle, 1900.

Grímssaga Loðinkinna (FAS II 143 ff.).

*Grinnell, G. B. Pawnee Hero Stories and Folk-Tales. New York, 1889.

*Grote, George. History of Greece. 3 vols. London, 1888.

Grundtvig, S. Danmarks gamle Folkeviser. 8 vols. København, 1853—.

Grunwald, M. "Spaniolic-Jewish Folktales and Their Motifs", Edoth II (1947), pp. 225—243 (in Hebrew).

GSCan = Publications of the Geological Survey of Canada, Anthropological Series.

Gull-þóris Saga (ed. Kr. Kaalund). København, 1898.

Gunnlaugs saga Ormstunga (ed. E. Mogk). Altnordische Texte I, 1886.

*Günter, H. Die christliche Legende des Abendlandes. Heidelberg, 1910.

Güntert, H. Der arische Weltkönig und Heiland. Halle, 1923.
*Kalypso. Halle, 1919.

Gutmann, Bruno. Volksbuch der Wadschagga. Leipzig, 1914.

*Hackman, O. Die Polyphemsage in der Volksüberlieferung. Helsingfors, 1904.

Haddon, A. C. Reports of the Cambridge Anthropological Expedition to Torres Straits. 6 vols. Cambridge (Eng.), 1901—35.

*Hagen, Friedrich Heinrich von der. Gesammtabenteuer. 3 vols. Stuttgart and Tübingen, 1850.

Hálfdanar saga Brönufóstra (FAS III 559 ff.).

Hálfdanar saga Eysteinssonar (ed. F. R. Schröder). Halle, 1917.

Hálfs saga ok Hálfsrekka (ed. A. Le Roy Andrews). Halle, 1909.

Halm, K. von. Aisōpeiōn Mythōn Synagōgē. Lipsiae, 1852.

☉Halpert, Herbert N. Folktales and Legends from the New Jersey Pines. (Indiana University Ph. D. thesis). Typewritten ms. Indiana University Library. Bloomington, Ind., 1947.

*Handbook of South American Indians (ed. Julian H. Steward). BBAE CXLIII. 6 vols. Washington, D. C, 1946—50.

*Handy, E. S. C. Marquesan Legends. BMB LXIX. Honolulu 1930.

Harris, J. R. Boanerges. Cambridge (Eng.), 1913.