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Motif-Index of Folk-Literature
C111. Tabu: loss of chastity. Hero loses power with loss of chastity. — Wesselski Mönchslatein 185 No. 144; Jewish: Neuman; Gaster Thespis 327f.; Róheim Animism, Magic, and the Divine King 1ff.; Jastrow Religion of Babylonia and Assyria 475ff. — Cf. Stories of knights of the Round Table, e.g. Galahad. — *Crane Vitry 237 No. 247; Herbert Catalogue of Romances III 20; Irish myth: Cross. — N. A. Indian: *Thompson Tales 335 n. 209a.
D1837. Magic weakness. T300. Chastity and celibacy.
C112. Tabu: sexual intercourse with unearthly beings. (Cf. C122.) — English: Child V 500 s.v. "unearthly". — Icel.: MacCulloch Eddic 321—22; Herrmann Saxo II 588, Boberg; S. Am. Indian (Lengua): Métraux BBAE CXLIII (1) 369.
F300. Marriage or liaison with fairy. T11. Marriage of mortal and supernatural being. T118. Girl married to a monster. T539.3. Conception from intercourse with demon.
C113. Tabu: sodomy. Hebrew: Leviticus 20: 15f.; Jewish: Neuman.
B600. Marriage of person to animal. T460. Sexual perversion.
C114. Tabu: incest. **Rank Inzestmotiv. — Hebrew: Leviticus 20: 11ff.; Jewish: Neuman; India: *Thompson-Balys.
A1018. Flood as punishment for incest. T410. Incest. Q242. Incest punished.
C114.1. Tabu: son seeing mother perform sex act. India: Thompson-Balys.
C312. Tabu: man looking at woman.
C114.2. Sex tabu: man—niece. Chinese: Eberhard FFC CXX 90 No. 50.
C115. Tabu: adultery. Hebrew: Leviticus 20: 10; Exodux 20:14.
Q241. Adultery punished.
C116. Tabu: sexual intercourse in sacred precinct. (Cf. Q551.3.) — *Krappe Balor 82ff.; Jewish: Neuman; Icelandic: Boberg.
C93. Tabu: trespassing sacred precinct.
C117. Nuptial tabu. Man and wife forbidden intercourse for definite time. — *Schoepperle Tristan and Isolt II 298; Crawley Mystic Rose (1902) 343ff.; 'DeVries Zs. f. deutsche Philologie LIII 276ff.; Penzer II 248, VIII 25 n. 1. — Irish myth: Cross; Norse: Elton Saxo Grammaticus xxxi, 319, Corpus Poeticum Boreale II 347, Ragnarssage Loðbrókar 128; Greek: Frazer Apollodorus I 169 n. 2; India: Thompson-Balys; N. A. Indian: *Thompson Tales 335 n. 209; Calif. Indian: Gayton and Newman 99; Eskimo (Greenland): Holm 47, Rasmussen III 134.
C751.2. Tabu: sleeping with certain wife on Midsummer's Eve. T151. Year's respite for unwelcome marriage. T165. Girl may remain virgin for three days after marriage. T350. Chaste sleeping together.
C117.1. Tabu: intercourse with resuscitated wife for particular number of days. Marquesas: Handy 113.
C118. Tabu: violating woman. Irish myth: Cross.
C885.2. Tabu: listening to groans of woman being violated. T471. Rape.
C118.1. Tabu: violating insane woman. Irish myth: Cross.
C119. Miscellaneous tabus concerning sexual intercourse.
C119.1. Tabu: sexual intercourse at certain time. Jewish: Neuman.
C119.1.1. Tabu: sexual intercourse during illness. Irish myth: Cross.