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C. Tabu
C119.1.2. Tabu: sexual intercourse on Sabbath. Jewish: Neuman.
C631. Tabu: violating Sabbath.
C119.1.3. Tabu: intercourse at hunting season. Samoyed: Holmberg Finno-Ugric 84.
C119.1.4. Tabu: sexual intercourse during religious festival (18 days). India: Thompson-Balys.
C119.1.5. Tabu: intercourse before worship. India: Thompson-Balys.
C119.1.6. Tabu: intercourse at night. India: Thompson-Balys.
C119.2. Tabu: failure to sleep with guest unaccompanied by husband. Irish myth: Cross.
T281. Sex hospitality.
C120. Tabu: kissing. Usually causes disenchantment or magic forgetfulness. (Cf. D735, D2003.) — *Type 313C, 410. — Grimm Nos. 113, 186, 193; Italian Novella: Rotunda.
D735. Disenchantment by kiss. D1794. Magic results from kissing. D2003. Forgotten fiancée.
C121. Tabu: kissing supernatural husband. (Cf. C32.) *Type 425; BP II 234, 236 n. 1, 271; Sébillot France I 244, III 291; Dickson Valentine and Orson 55.
C122. Tabu: kissing fairies. This puts one in their power. (Cf. C112.) — English: Child I 322 and n., 325; Wimberly Folklore in Ballads 282ff.
F302.3.4.1. Fairy's kiss fatal.
C130. Tabu connected with puberty. Irish myth: Cross.
C131. Tabu: girl going forth at puberty. Kaffir: Theal 17, cf. 67. — N. A. Indian: Curtin Myths of the Modocs 68.
C132. Tabu: male presence in girl's puberty-hut. Zulu: Callaway 74, 85.
C140. Tabu connected with menses. Jewish: *Neuman; Hawaii: Beckwith Myth 530f; India: Thompson-Balys.
C141. Tabu: going forth during menses. Frazer Golden Bough III 145ff., X 76ff.; Hebrew: Leviticus 15:19ff.; India: Thompson-Balys.
C141.1. Tabu: menstrous woman not to go near any cultivated field or crops will be ruined. India: *Thompson-Balys.
C141.2. Tabu: not to enter cowshed during menses. India: Thompson-Balys.
C141.3. Tabu: not to enter water during menses. S. Am. Indian (Toba): Métraux MAFLS XL 29.
C142. Tabu: sexual intercourse during menses. Hebrew: Leviticus 20:18; Jewish: Neuman; India: *Thompson-Balys.
C110. Tabu: sexual intercourse.
C143. Tabu: eating from hands of menstruating women. India: Thompson-Balys.
C240. Tabu: eating food of certain person.
C144. Ground defiled by menstrual blood. Jewish: Neuman; India: Thompson-Balys.