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Motif-Index of Folk-Literature
C662. One must eat "death vegetable" whenever one sees it. Otherwise god will be angry. India: Thompson-Balys.
C663. Compulsion to bathe in certain waters daily. Irish myth: Cross.
C664. Injunction: to marry first woman met. Irish myth: Cross.
C100. Sex tabu. T62. Princess to marry first man who asks for her.
C664.0.1. Injunction: to cohabit with first woman met after battle. Irish myth: Cross.
C665. Injunction: protect certain stone from molestation. Irish myth: Cross.
D931. Magic rock (stone).
C666. Compulsion to go to certain place at certain time (or once each year). Irish myth: Cross; Jewish: Neuman.
C671. The one compulsory song. Beer cannot be brewed until an old man sings the song of the origin of beer. — Finnish: Kalevala rune 20.
D2084.1. Beer magically kept from brewing.
C672. Compulsion to tell stories.
C672.1. Curse laid upon man by stories he fails to tell: they creep out of his belly when he is asleep and talk. India: Thompson-Balys.
C675. Compulsion to give food to everyone met on journey. African (Jaunde): Nekes 251.
C680. Other compulsions.
C681. Compulsion to answer cry. Hero is magically compelled to do so. Irish myth: Cross.
C566. Tabus of heroes. C885. Tabu: hearing or listening. D2034. Crying induced by magic as trick to force child's mother.
C681.1. Compulsion to regard hunting cry and follow hounds. Irish myth: Cross.
C682. Compulsion to invite singer to feast. Until that is done, the beer will not stop foaming. (Cf. C671.) — Finnish: Kalevala rune 20.
C683. Injunction: sleep where night overtakes you. Otherwise misfortune will come. — Cape Verde Islands: Parsons MAFLS XV (1) 213 No. 73.
C684. Compulsion to perform certain task yearly.
C750. Time tabus.
C684.1. Compulsion to catch blackbird alive yearly. Irish myth: Cross.
C684.2. Compulsion to kill one of certain hogs yearly. Irish myth: Cross.
C684.3. Compulsion to leap yearly over stone one's size held in palm of hand. Irish myth: Cross.
H1020. Tasks contrary to laws of nature.
C684.4. Compulsion to hold festival at certain intervals. Irish myth: Cross.
C685. Injunction: to give sample of food to dog before eating. Misfortune follows failure to do so. — Spanish: Boggs FFC XC 63 No. 453.