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C. Tabu
C686. Injunction: to forsake woman who arouses love. Irish myth: Cross.
C100. Sex tabu. T55. Girl as wooer. T331. Man unsuccessfully tempted by woman.
C686.1. Tabu: to refuse help to a woman. Irish myth: Cross.
C687. Injunction: to perform certain act daily.
C750. Time tabus.
C687.1. Injunction: to visit saint daily. Irish myth: Cross.

C700—C899. Miscellaneous tabus.

C700. Miscellaneous tabus.
C710. Tabus connected with other-world journeys. Babylonian: Gilgamesch-Epos XII p. 64ff. — Icelandic: Boberg; Eskimo (Greenland): Rink 371, 440, Rasmussen III 170; Marquesas: Beckwith Myth 149.
C211. Tabu: eating in other world. C405. Silence preserved in fairyland. C413. Tabu: expressing surprise in lower world of dead. C423.3. Tabu: revealing experiences in other world. C542. Tabu: touching treasures of otherworld. C482.1. Tabu: weeping in land of gods. C542.1. Tabu: contact with things on Journey to hell. C644. The one forbidden thing: returning to home country after marrying fairy. F378. Tabus connected with trip to fairyland.
C711. Tabu: going into bath on return from serpent kingdom. (Cf. C721.) — Chauvin V 257 No. 152.
B225.1. Kingdom of serpents. F127. Journey to underground animal kingdom.
C712. Tabu: staying too long in other world.
C211. Tabu: eating in other world. C262. Tabu: drinking in other world. C735.2.1. Tabu: sleeping in other world. C761. Tabu: doing thing too long.
C712.1. Tabu: staying too long in fairyland. (Cf. C713.3.) — *R. M. Meyer Zs. f. Vksk. XXI 1ff.
C211.1. Tabu: eating in fairyland. C242. Tabu: eating food of witch (demon). F210. Fairyland. F370. Visit to fairyland. F377. Supernatural lapse of time in fairyland. F378.1. Tabu: touching ground on return from fairyland.
C713. Forsaken merman. Tabu: association of fairy's (merman's, etc.) human wife (husband) with human relatives.
B82.1. Merman marries maiden. T294. Wife of supernatural being longs for old home and visits relatives.
C713.1. Tabu: merman's wife not to stay till church benediction. English: Child I 366.
D2006.2. Sight of old home reawakens memory and brings about return from other world. F382. Exorcising fairies. Fairies disappear when some name of ceremony of the Christian Church is used. G304.2.4.1. Trolls cannot endure churchbells. V50. Prayer.
C713.2. Tabu: wife of supernatural husband seeing old home. Usually a part of the "Star-Husband" tale of the North American Indians: Thompson Tales 332 n. 197.
C713.3. Tabu: wife of merman staying too long at home (on visit). (Cf. C712.1.) — Norwegian: Child I 364.
C761.2. Tabu: staying too long at home.
C713.3.1. Tabu: beast-husband staying too long at home: becomes sick. India: Thompson-Balys.